Since ancient times, people in difficult moments of their lives have turned to otherworldly forces. Spirits patronized or harmed, and could also answer questions beyond the reach of mortals. One of the most common ways to summon a spirit is with an ordinary saucer that moves in a circle.

It is necessary
- - Whatman sheet
- - saucer
- - compass
- - felt-tip pen
Step 1
Draw a circle on the paper. Its diameter should be 2-2.5 times the diameter of the saucer. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9. Determine where you will have the top and bottom. Draw a straight line through the center of the circle. At the top, write the word "yes", at the bottom - "no."

Step 2
Take a saucer and with a felt-tip pen draw an arrow from the center to the edge.
Step 3
Wait until midnight. Remove any metal objects you have on. All other participants must do the same.
Step 4
Open the window or door slightly, otherwise the spirit will not be able to get to you. Turn off all electrical appliances. Light the candles.
Step 5
Place a piece of paper on the table. Place a saucer in the center of the circle. It must first be held over one of the candles. Everyone present should sit around the table.
Step 6
All participants should simultaneously touch the saucer with their fingertips and say: "Spirit (name), come!" After a while, the saucer will begin to move. Say hello to the spirit and ask if he intends to communicate with you. The saucer will begin to move towards the words "yes" or "no".
Step 7
If the spirit has agreed to speak with you, start asking questions. They can relate to a wide variety of aspects of your life or history. But don't ask the spirit where it is. Some spirits answer this question as well, but mostly they don't like it very much. Periodically ask if your guest is tired.
Step 8
At the end of the session, do not forget to thank your guest and say goodbye to him. After the spirit is gone, turn the saucer over and lightly hit the table three times.