Who among the curious teenagers in childhood did not try to guess on a saucer in order to evoke the spirit and find out their future? This fortune-telling is considered quite creepy, since it must be carried out after midnight and according to certain rules. What are these rules and how should you guess with a saucer?

Preparing for fortune telling
Fortune telling on a saucer should be, starting at 12 am and ending at 4 am, since during this period the spirits are most active. Basically, fortune-telling is carried out on Christmas Eve and Epiphany (January 6 and 19, respectively). In the period from January 14 to 18, it is undesirable to guess, however, most fortunetellers choose these days to invoke the spirit, since they give the most accurate predictions. Fortune-telling requires the presence of at least three people - this will give the spirit more strength to appear in the material world. In this case, the animals must be removed from the room.
In the room where the fortune-telling takes place, there should be no open mirrors and icons, and the door or window must be open.
On the saucer you need to draw an arrow and an alphabetical circle, in which you need to enter all the letters clockwise. Inside this circle, another circle is drawn, around which you need to write the numbers from 0 to 9, as well as the words "Yes" or "No" - above and below. It is advisable to choose a saucer light and porcelain so that it glides well on the table surface. Fortunetellers should not wear crosses, chains, rings and other metal parts, and it is also forbidden to drink alcohol before fortune-telling. The room should be quiet, questions should be asked exclusively in a whisper. Instead of electric light, you need to light several ordinary, non-church candles.
Divination on a saucer
Fortunetellers should sit around the table with a saucer previously heated over the flame of a candle, rub their palms and put two fingers on its upside down side. Then one of the fortunetellers says "Spirit (name), come to us." When the saucer starts to move, you need to ask the spirit if he is here - if the arrow indicates "Yes," you need to ask if he came with good intentions. If so, you can start asking questions. If the answer is no, the spirit must be driven away immediately.
You need to communicate with the spirits politely and correctly, otherwise they will either refuse to answer or give an incorrect prediction.
After the end of the divination session on a saucer, the spirit must be thanked and released, saying "Goodbye" to him. Otherwise, he can stay and do small dirty tricks, frightening the inhabitants of the apartment. You also need to ask "Spirit, are you still here?" To make sure that the entity has left home. At the end of the fortune-telling, one must not forget to turn the saucer over to complete the summoning of the otherworldly guest.