How To Summon A Good Spirit During The Day

How To Summon A Good Spirit During The Day
How To Summon A Good Spirit During The Day

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By tradition, for some reason, they almost always summon evil creatures of the other world. Bloody Mary, known to many: there are many variations on the theme of this children's horror story, the truth is already simply hidden by time. Also not at all cute Jack the Ripper and a spirit with an interesting name Bluebeard. All of them do not bring anything good to mediums and participants in a session of spiritualism. But at the same time, they continue to be called. Why - no one knows, maybe you just want a thrill. But for those who want to participate in a seance, coming out after it not gray-haired and alive, you should think about invoking good spirits.

How to summon a good spirit during the day
How to summon a good spirit during the day


Step 1

It is not known what good spirits are capable of if they are pissed off. After all, everything has its limit of patience. So it's not worth the risk. Adhering to certain guidelines and rules, you can evoke a good spirit without problems and special severe consequences. The first rule of summoning the spirit is to determine which element the creature belongs to, which will be summoned. There are four elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire.

Step 2

Further, it should be borne in mind that the day and time of the call of the otherworldly creation plays an important role. Good days are the first, third, and penultimate day of the week, that is, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Step 3

According to old beliefs, from midnight until the very first crowing of roosters, all evil spirits come out into the world. So it is here. A seance can be performed both day and night. But, according to the advice of white sorcerers, before midnight and after the supposed cry of the first rooster, that is, hours after four or five in the morning. Otherwise, together with a light spirit, you can call a dark spirit into your home and your life. Even if the medium does not even suspect about the presence of this unkind creature.

Step 4

In order to evoke a good spirit, you need to create a special, cozy atmosphere. Scented sticks, burnt indoors, will clearly appeal to the summoned spirit. In the center of the room, like on an altar, you need to place the attribute of the elements. If the element is Water, then a plate, saucer or glass of water. A candle is lit for the Fiery Spirit. If the element is air, then, of course, you do not need to place anything. And to create the Earth element, a vessel with ordinary earth or sand is suitable.

Step 5

Participants' clothing should not cause aggression or other vivid emotions. Nothing colored, black, poisonous. And best of all, if the material of the vestments is natural. The more participants in the session, the higher the protection against possible evil that can pass from the other world.

Step 6

A geometric figure is drawn on a medium-sized sheet of cardboard, in which there are as many corners as there are participants. Participants sit around the center of the “altar” room and place their right finger on the corresponding corner of the figure. Then the medium calls the spirit to come. The otherworldly entity declares its presence with the sound of its elements: the sound of water, the howl of the wind, the crackle of twigs in the fire.

Step 7

After the participants in the session make sure that the spirit is present, the question should be asked whether the spirit wants to be at this time in this place, whether he wants to answer questions. If the answer is yes, then you can ask questions that can be answered either positively or negatively. That is, yes or no. Through the subconscious of the medium, the spirit transmits the answers, which are written down on a sheet of paper.

Step 8

After the questions have been asked and the answers have been received, it is imperative to thank the spirit and ask him to return to the other world.

Step 9

As it turns out, there is even a spirit of desire. He, like a kind gin from a fairy tale, can fulfill the desire of the one who calls him. True, only when he himself wants it. In order to evoke a good spirit-executor of desires, you need to stock up on cotton thread, moreover, thicker, a ring or a needle and candles.

Step 10

If a spiritualistic session to invoke the spirit of desires is held during the day, then blackout curtains should be hung on the windows that do not allow light to pass through. A candle is lit first. After that, the thread is drawn into a ring or needle. The main thing here is the concentration of the medium on the needle.

Step 11

Now you can summon the spirit. To do this, you need to start slowly swinging a kind of pendulum formed with a needle (ring) and thread. At the same time, one should say: “If the spirit of desires has appeared, turn the ring (needle) forward or backward. If you don't want to fulfill my wish today, swing the pendulum to the right or to the left."

Step 12

You should list your desires only after the medium has made sure that the spirit of desires wants to fulfill them today. And if he replied in the negative, you should politely thank him for the visit and calmly let him go.
