According to the observations of serious analysts, many opera singers have deep folk roots. In other words, they come from the village. And this fact does not detract from their merits. Haydar Bigichev had a unique voice and loved to sing folk songs.

Starting conditions
Khaidar Abbyasovich Bigichev was born on June 16, 1949 in a large peasant family. Parents at that time lived in the village of Chembiley, which was located on the territory of the Gorky region. His father worked as a machine operator, and his mother was a field grower on a collective farm. They lived in the village rather poorly, but amicably. Eight children grew up in the house, and the future singer was one of them. When the boy was seven years old, he went to school. According to the programs in force in those years, students received homework assignments.
It is difficult to imagine at the moment, but Haidar did not have enough space at the table when all the children sat down to do their homework. The boy studied very mediocre. When he was summoned to the board, he was worried and did not always answer the questions correctly. In the fifth grade, the boy accidentally sang a folk song to the teacher. The student's vocal skills made a strong impression on the teacher. He began to be regularly recruited to participate in amateur performances.

The way to the stage
After leaving school, Bigichev was called up to serve in the armed forces. The young man served as it should. After demobilization, together with his comrades, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the plant. Lived in a hostel. In those years, the “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition was regularly held on Central Television. The friends knew Haidar's vocal abilities well. They also knew about his indecisive nature. After a short but persistent persuasion, the future opera singer applied to participate in the event.
Everything turned out as in the ancient formula - he came, performed the proposed song, became a laureate. The creativity of the young man was appreciated by the jury members. The famous composer Mikael Tariverdiev strongly advised Haidar to take up music professionally. The next step, People's Artist of the RSFSR Fakhri Nasretdinov gave Bigichev a recommendation for admission to the Kazan Conservatory. In 1977, a neat student received a specialized education and entered the service at the Kazan Opera and Ballet Theater.
Personal life score
The debut of the young soloist went off without a hitch, without a hitch. Bigichev was trusted to perform the parts in the most important performances. On stage, he felt confident and calm. Critics noted the singer's high artistry. Haydar paid much attention to the performance of folk songs that he knew from childhood. The singer loved to perform in rural clubs. The opera performer has traveled all over Europe on tour.
Bigichev's personal life was successful. He entered into legal marriage while a student at the conservatory. Husband and wife studied in the same course. Zukhra Sakhabieva did a lot for Haydar to succeed. Created coziness in the house. She monitored her health. However, a serious illness knocked down the singer. Khaidar Bigichev died suddenly in November 1998.