A person is inclined to give a certain mysterious meaning to various simple situations, to see hidden messages in them. Many superstitions, in which many still believe, have firmly entered into life.

Step 1
Friday 13. Many people, having seen this date, will rush to postpone all important matters to another day, because this is considered unfortunate. Today, you can't exactly establish where this omen came from, but still there is a legend that on this day there was a mass murder of the Templars. Whether such a bad reputation of Friday the 13th is connected with this or not, alas, no one knows.
Step 2
Why can't you give a watch? The Russians adopted this sign from the Chinese, from them such a gift means an invitation to a funeral, so many are very upset and often refuse such gifts, believing that this is to parting or to death. But they found a way out of this situation: if you buy out the watch, then nothing terrible will happen, that is, you just need to give a symbolic amount in return.
Step 3
Scattered salt - there will be a scandal. This sign has been going on since the days when salt was a valuable and expensive product. Everyone needed her, she could even be paid for other goods. And scattering something expensive is always bad, it leads to quarrels. An analogue of this sign in Asia is scattered rice, which was also a once very expensive product.
Step 4
Do not whistle at home - there will be no money! This sign also has historical roots. Whistling was mainly used by shamans, sorcerers, witches for their spells and not always good and kind rituals. And therefore, whistling is associated not only with bad manners, but also with evil spirits. The same sign exists in Japan, but in America, it is absent altogether, everyone can whistle there - a whistling girl or a guy will not cause embarrassment to anyone.
Step 5
Why wish health to a sneezing person every time. This sign originated in the days of epidemics, when disease infection occurred en masse, through the air. They became infected while being near a sick person. In those terrible times, a sneezing person was a threat. Since then, it was customary to wish health to the sneezer and to himself, respectively.
Step 6
Cover your mouth when yawning. This superstition came from the belief that evil spirits can fly in and enter through the mouth. For this reason, since ancient times, from an early age, they have been taught to close their mouths while yawning so that no one has flown in there.