The Magical Powers Of The Pussy Willow

The Magical Powers Of The Pussy Willow
The Magical Powers Of The Pussy Willow

The ancient Slavs believed that the willow was a special, magical plant. The god Perun patronized him. In addition, the willow was protected and protected by nature spirits, forest nymphs. Therefore, this tree should be treated with respect, so as not to incur the wrath of magical creatures or the deity himself.

Pussy willow
Pussy willow

From a magical point of view, the pussy willow is a capricious plant, its character changes with the course of life. The young trees (bushes) contain magical powers that have an extremely positive effect on a person and help in the rituals of "white" magic. Old trees are "vampires": they drain vitality, energy, can drain a person to such an extent that he suddenly becomes seriously ill or even dies. In the past, it was believed that under the old willows one should never rest, sleep, or walk. Otherwise, after that one could face a headache, general malaise.

The willow becomes especially strong during the full moon and on Palm Sunday. It was on such days in spring or summer that one should turn to the plant for help, collect buds, leaves and twigs. Before you cut down a tree or tear off a branch, you need to bow to the plant, stroke the trunk gently with your palm, apologize for being disturbed. The willow is positively and benevolently disposed towards people, if it is not a "witch tree" - an old bush. She is willing to help, protect, heal and support.

Our ancestors believed that if you flog a sick person with willow twigs, he will recover very quickly. In this way, both mental illness and physical illness could be cured. It was customary to bathe small children in broths from pussy willow buds. Such a ritual was supposed to endow the child with good health, strengthen his immunity, and also protect him from negative magical effects.

If there is an acute loss of strength, the feeling of weakness does not leave, after sleep the state is "killed", it is worth taking a walk to a young pussy willow bush. You need to hold the twigs of the plant in your palms for several minutes in order to nourish its energy and give the willow your poor health.

The magic of willow
The magic of willow

To improve the situation in the house, it is necessary to collect willow branches in the same quantity as there are people in the family. Then put them in a glass vase. Among the magical properties of the willow, its ability to cleanse the space of negative energy and nasty emotions is noted. A bouquet of pussy willow in the apartment will bring warmth, comfort, will not allow conflicts and quarrels to arise.

Fluffy pussy willow buds can be a great amulet for people who often experience severe anxiety or feel lost in life. Such amulets will charge you with confidence, help you to look more positively at the world around you and fearlessly look into the future. They should be carried with you so that success and luck are always near.

The willow not only willingly shares its energy, of which it has a lot, but also wonderfully protects against curses or evil eyes. A broom of willow branches should be used to sweep the floor if there is a suspicion that someone has already managed to create damage or haze. After the ritual, all the garbage and the broom itself must be burned, and the rooms in the house should be sprinkled with a broth of willow buds.

The willow is a health-promoting plant. It is also able to prolong life, relieve aggression, irritability, various phobias and fears. Washing with water, in which a twig of this shrub lay during the night, can prolong youth.

Among the magical properties of the willow, there is also the fact that this plant is able to fulfill desires. You need to bring a sprig of young willow into the house, put it in a jug of clay or glass and tie a red woolen thread on it, mentally pronouncing your desire. If the twig gives roots, then what is dreamed of will certainly come true in the very near future. To consolidate the magic, it is recommended to plant the plant in the ground, after caring for it. If such a willow twig takes root, then it will not only fulfill the desire, but will also be an energy donor for a person until the tree is old.
