Birch is a unique tree, charged with lunar energy and endowed with special magical powers. It was very revered by the ancient Slavs, as well as the Scandinavians. Interestingly, the runic alphabet contains the Berkan rune, which translates as "birch". She personifies strength, growth, fertility, prosperity.

The healing and magical properties of birch have been known since time immemorial. In the distant past, it was customary to plant birch trees around villages and villages. It was believed that in this way a barrier for evil spirits was created. However, it was forbidden to grow a tree directly near the house. There was a belief that spirits live in the crown of a birch, in addition, the tree has a close connection with the world of the dead. Therefore, in order not to attract guests from the subtle world to the house, it was necessary to plant a birch behind a fence.
There is a legend that this tree has a very moody character. It is ready to help a person free of charge, but if you turn to it too often, the plant may be offended. An angry birch tree, as our ancestors believed, is capable of sending troubles, ailments and failures to a person or even an entire village.
Due to the fact that among the magical properties of birch, its ability to guard and protect from all evil is very prominent, first-class amulets are obtained from such a plant. If you hang birch branches at the entrance to the apartment, then misfortunes will be bypassed, evil people will not be able to enter the house. With the help of the magic birch, you can also cleanse the space of negativity and some evil entities. For this, a decoction of birch branches and leaves is used. They need to wash and sprinkle all rooms in the house. Another way: sweep the dirt and debris out of the apartment using a birch broom. After this ritual, the branches should be burned outside.
Birch is very closely related to the feminine principle. In Russia, the tree was considered the patron saint of pregnant women, young girls. They turned to the birch for help and support. Hugging a birch tree, you can feed on life-giving power and special natural energy. Women preparing to become mothers turned to birch to facilitate easy childbirth. Young girls wove wreaths from birch twigs and spoke to them for love. Excellent love amulets are made from birch bark.
Birch sap has magical and healing properties. Our ancestors believed that such a drink is able to cure various ailments, with the help of it you can recover from a serious illness. In the past, it was customary to collect birch sap at the beginning of May, but it was impossible to take more than a liter of the drug from one tree. After that, sick people were given juice, as well as those who by nature had weak immunity or constantly felt an acute lack of strength.

Birch is able to give not only health and strength, but also beauty, as well as prolong youth. However, in order to really receive such valuable gifts from a tree, it is necessary to turn to young birch trees, whose age does not exceed 50 years. Rejuvenates and gives beauty a decoction of fresh leaves of such birches, as well as juice.
There is a legend that the drooping birch (weeping) is especially strong from a magical point of view. It is recommended to make magical artifacts from this plant; you can turn to it for the purpose of fulfilling desires. However, this type of birch is not chosen as a tree capable of curing ailments. The ancient Slavs called such a birch "Navi tree". Legends say that the plant is adored by the souls of the dead and mermaids. It also has a very strong bond with the genus. Therefore, it is used in magical rituals to establish contact with ancestors.
Birch becomes especially strong in magical terms:
- late April to mid-May; the best time to collect juice, young twigs, bark, leaves is the first 2 weeks of May;
- full moon (every month);
- in the morning: from 6 am to 9 am.
Astrologically, the birch tree is associated with Cancer. Representatives of this zodiac sign are encouraged to communicate with birches from time to time (hug, talk), and also have birch bark products in the house. An amulet or amulet made from this plant will attract positive emotions, love, happiness and joy, financial wealth and prosperity to the life of Cancers.