The Magical Powers Of The Fern

The Magical Powers Of The Fern
The Magical Powers Of The Fern

Rip-grass, shit bug, devil's beard - as soon as they do not call a fern. This mysterious magical plant is surrounded by numerous legends. In the old days, people believed that the fern blooms once a year - on a quiet July night before Ivanov's day. And if it turns out to find a mysterious flower, then life will radically change for the better in one moment.

Fern magic
Fern magic

At the moment, more than 2000 species of ferns are known. This plant can visually resemble moss, look like grass or shrub - it all depends on the variety. The fern is considered a wild plant that prefers to hide in dark and damp places. However, at home, some species feel quite comfortable if they are properly looked after.

Our distant ancestors knew about the magical and healing properties of the fern. It was believed that the magical powers of the plant are active throughout the year, but they reach their maximum in the summer (on the Kupala night). It was at such a time that it was necessary to collect grass, to make amulets and talismans from the roots. They served their masters faithfully for the entire following year, but after that they were exhausted. Therefore, it was customary to burn old branches or roots, collecting new ones in early July.

Astrologically, plants are associated with Jupiter. This planet has a particularly strong impact on the financial sector. She also helps in building a career, choosing a profession, and confidently moving through life, showing a person the right path. Similar features are endowed by Jupiter and the fern.

This plant is an excellent money amulet. To attract wealth, you can store a fern leaf or a small part of its root in your wallet. And in order for all family members to have financial well-being, it is necessary to put a pot of home fern on the window. Or, pick some twigs and place such a bouquet in a vase. Even at the moment when the plucked branches fade, they will not lose their magical power and will continue to work as magnets for money.

Fern magical properties
Fern magical properties

The fern has a very soft "enveloping" energy. This plant is kind and affectionate, favorably disposed towards people. It is ready to support and help. Fern perfectly cleans the space of stagnant and bad energy. He also "pulls" from a person any negative emotions, obsessive thoughts and images. Fern gives strength and vigor, improves sleep, has a positive effect on the nervous system and psyche. It protects against serious diseases and strengthens the immune system.

The ancient Slavs believed that if you bring an armful of fern branches / leaves into the house, you can expel all sorts of diseases, even chronic ones. Healers used the plant as a pain reliever. It was believed that the gruel made from grass leaves helps with severe toothache, heals cuts and wounds, and the juice from the plant was once used to treat eye diseases.

Among the magical properties of the fern, the ability to protect a person from all evil, from evil spirits and the intrigues of enemies appears. If you always carry the root of the plant with you, you will be able to avoid problems and difficulties in life. The fern helps to solve important issues so that the person gets the maximum benefit from the result.

A magical plant has a positive effect on character. His energy, which feeds a person, helps to become more self-confident, more decisive. People who have chosen a fern as a personal talisman become calm, judicious, they are not familiar with absent-mindedness and a feeling of loss. They are optimistic about the future. In addition, the plant shares wisdom with a person, helps him to take control of strong feelings and emotions.