Dynasty Essence is inserted to upgrade the upper part of Dynasty armor. Upgrading the upper part of the armor with Dynasty Essence allows you to get additional bonuses when wearing a full set of Dynasty armor. Improvement is made in the following sequence.

It is necessary
Top piece of any type of Dynasty armor, Essence of the Dynasty (or Essence of Dynasty II), completed the "Path to the Isle of Hell" quest
Step 1
Move to Hell Island. This can be done through the NPC "Gates of Distortion" in the city of Heine, or through a similar NPC in the location "Wasteland", which belongs to the territory of the city of Gludio.
Step 2
Go to the place marked on the map of Hell's Isle as "Outpost of the Steel Citadel".
Step 3
Wait for the onset of the game night period. The game night period begins immediately after the end of the game day period. A game night lasts one hour of real time, and a game day lasts three hours.
Step 4
Find the NPC "Legendary Blacksmith Shadai".
Step 5
Open the dialogue with the NPC "Legendary Blacksmith Shadai".
Step 6
Upgrade a Dynasty Upper Armor with either Dynasty Essence or Dynasty Essence II.