Born in Georgia, raised in Greece, became popular and in demand in Russia - this is about him, about the resident of "Comedy Club" Demis Karibidis. How and how much does a showman earn from his sparkling jokes, which sometimes "fall" to viewers and colleagues "below the belt"?

Demis Karibidis writes jokes himself, improvises on stage more than other residents of the Comedy Club. His talent for joking always and everywhere brings him a good income, and his activities are not limited to television. What else is he doing? How true are the latest press rumors regarding his personal life and career?
Georgian nugget from Greece
The future Comedy Club star was born in Tbilisi in early December 1982. Demis's parents were quite wealthy people, and in order not to lose their savings, during the collapse of the USSR, they decided to move to Greece for permanent residence. They moved to a large Greek city called Thessaloniki.
The boy received his secondary education in Greece, he practically did not speak Russian, when his father decided to return to Russia, more precisely, to Gelendzhik. In the eighth grade, Demis went to Gelendzhik, barely speaking Russian, but having in reserve the inexhaustible potential of an optimist and a joker.

The guy easily coped with the most difficult task - he re-mastered a half-forgotten language, caught up with his peers in the school curriculum, and was so successful in this that after graduating from grade 11 he easily entered the university - Sochi Tourism University. There he mastered two more languages - English and Spanish.
During his student days, he became interested in playing KVN, but he could not imagine that the game would turn his life upside down, direct him to a completely different professional field, which a priori did not have in his plans. Demis Karibidis, then still Demis Karibov, never thought about acting or humorous stage.
Career in KVN and after him
For the first time, Karibidis entered the stage as part of a university team at an urban-level event. The team was called Russo Turisto, its leaders had no illusions about the future of their offspring, they, as such, had no desire to get to a higher level. But Demis liked to play in KVN, go on stage, and receive audience laughter in response to his jokes. He needed to develop. The desire to grow in this professional direction led him to a higher level of KVN - to the Krasnodarsky Prospekt team. In its composition, Karibidis entered the premier league of the game, first entered the capital stage, and then the festival in Sochi.

But even this was not enough for the restless young man. He understood that now he would not leave the stage, that humor had become a part of himself, that it brought income, and not bad.
Demis entered the Major League of KVN as a member of the BAK team. During this period, he no longer only performed on stage, but also wrote scripts or individual numbers for his team. Soon, "BAK" teamed up with "Accomplices" from Armavir. The association was named the "Krasnodar Territory National Team". It subsequently brought the participants to the KVN pedestal as champions of the game, and then to the Comedy Club. Most of the residents are representatives of this particular team.
In "Comedy Club" Demis has his own and joint rooms with other residents. In addition, he writes scripts for numbers for himself and friends. Outside of television, Karibidis managed to "check in" in the projects "Our Russia", Comedy Woman, star in the series "Univer. New hostel "," Do not sleep "," Sea. The mountains. Expanded clay "," Real boys ".
Personal life of Demis Karibidis
This noisy, often inadequate on stage, cheeky foul language outside the spotlights is a completely different person. And he is often forced to emphasize this in his interviews, especially when he sees that journalists expect some kind of antics from him, are frankly bewildered, seeing a restrained and calm man in front of them.
Demis is married and happily married. His wife's name is Pelageya, she has nothing to do with show business. The couple signed and played a lavish wedding in May 2014. Almost all the residents of the Comedy Club were invited to the celebration, and the event gradually turned into a program - with its typical jokes and gags. And Karibidis made an offer to his bride during the Comedy Club festival. His whole life, even personal, is connected with this project.

A year after the wedding, Demis and Pelageya had a charming daughter. The wife of Karibidis takes care of the house and the child, "spends the money that her husband earns," in his own words.
In 2017, the couple had a second daughter, but the journalists did not manage to find out her name, like the first daughter. The showman's wife does not like publicity, rarely goes out, and her husband fully supports her.
How much and how does Demis Karibidis earn
Demis performs on the Comedy Club stage, writes scripts, acts in films, and performs at private events. It is from these sources that his income is formed. According to the data on the official website of Karibidis, the cost of his 5-hour performance for a private customer ranges from 25 to 40 thousand euros, excluding travel costs to the venue and accommodation there.

Demis Karibidis' income from residency at Comedy Club is also quite high. It is known that the participants of the show receive payments not only from the rental of the program, visiting concerts, but also from the so-called "advertising" project. Different sources give different numbers. In some publications, you can find information that the leading residents of the project have up to 80 million rubles a year, and even taking into account the payment of taxes. Whether this is so is unknown. Neither Karibidis nor his co-stars ever discuss financial matters with reporters.