Why KVN Is No Longer Funny

Why KVN Is No Longer Funny
Why KVN Is No Longer Funny

The KVN television program will soon turn 53 years old - a rather big age. We can say with confidence that this program is a long-liver, moreover, it has become not only a television project, but a whole youth movement and the "mother" of other programs and television projects.

Why KVN is no longer funny
Why KVN is no longer funny

How it all began

In 1957, the TV show "Evening of Merry Questions" was released on the screens of the USSR. Like almost all the best in our country, "BBB" was copied from the program "Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller", published in Czechoslovakia. This format survived a little, on November 8, 1961, the program was slightly transformed and began to appear under the name we know.

It was a truly significant event, which became a real event. For the first time, the power over the microphone on the air (later on in the recording) was given to young people, non-professionals of television skill. And a stream of humor, irony about the surrounding reality fell on the country. The young teams had something to tell the world from TV screens. But the authorities did not endure it for long. KVN was closed by a decision "from above" from 1971 to 1986.

At the beginning of perestroika, humor was liberated, and the people needed a breath of fresh air. Since 1986, KVN has begun to grow into something more than just a humorous program where teams compete. Since the 21st century, KVN has become the mother of such projects as Comedy Club, Nasha Russia, Blah-blah-show, Laughter without rules, Killing night, etc. But I must say that the forerunner of such projects was the program "Gentleman Show", the founders and actors of which were the champions of the revived KVN - the team "Odessa Gentlemen".

KVN is not the same

In terms of humorous programs, the Soviet audience was not sophisticated. KVN has never competed with such programs as "Smehopanorama" and "Full House", each project had its own audience. But when modern television was able to afford to put out a lot more TV shows in a humorous direction, competition arose. KVN was always above this, until the Comedy Club project and its subsidiaries appeared. Young people now began to hone their skills, first on KVN, and then move on to a more modern format of humor on Russian television. KVN began to lose momentum.

Now the KVN movement can be counted on as a kind of school that everyone can go through, and only the best - a professional in his field - can find use for himself and his talent in the future.

That is why KVN began to be called “not funny”. The fact is that those who loved KVN as a child have already grown up and cannot understand modern teams and their humor. Those who "used" Comedy Club since childhood do not understand where it came from, and cannot appreciate KVN, where the level of jokes is slightly higher in terms of content and editing.

Funny KVN or not - it doesn't matter. The fact remains that more and more teams come to the KVN winter festival in Sochi every year.
