What Is Needed For Roses To Stand Longer In A Vase

What Is Needed For Roses To Stand Longer In A Vase
What Is Needed For Roses To Stand Longer In A Vase

Giving and receiving bouquets of fresh flowers as a gift is a pleasant and responsible occupation. Bouquets of roses are the most popular. Preserving and extending the life of cut roses is not easy. Like any plant, roses have their own secrets.

What is needed for roses to stand longer in a vase
What is needed for roses to stand longer in a vase

Roses for bouquets should be cut halfway through, when the sepals of the painted bud are bent down, and the top of the flower has a mild shape. The petals should be slightly unfolded. If the buds have a dense, sharp top, then these roses, as a rule, will not bloom.

It is better to cut roses in the evening or morning hours, when it is not hot.

For cutting, you must use a sharp pruner. It will not tear the bark on the stems and chew the stems, which is important for the future life of the bouquet. Vessels through which food will flow should not be damaged during cutting.

Before lowering the flowers into the vase, they must be allowed to swim for several hours in the bathroom in a horizontal position. The exception is white roses.

The ends of the stems are cut under water. Make an oblique cut to increase the absorbed surface. If the cut is not made under water, then the air will clog the vessels of the stem.

It is better to use water that is settled or boiled at room temperature. Tap water won't work.

The water in the vase must be replaced daily with fresh water. It is also necessary to prune, update the cuts at the stems every day.

Do not leave more than 2-3 leaves on the stem under water in a vase, as the leaves in the water will rot and this will shorten the life of the bouquet. An antiseptic can be added to the water: in 1 liter of boiled and chilled water to room temperature, dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar and 150 mg of boric, or salicylic, or citric acid.

During the day, flowers can be sprayed 3-4 times with water from a spray bottle.
