If you are taking your first steps in working with color, mixing different colors can cause you questions. However, everything is not so difficult if you have a basic understanding of the color spectrum and its three main components. These primary colors cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors in the palette. Having at your disposal artistic materials of only three colors (yellow, blue and red), you can get any colors and shades that exist in nature.

It is necessary
Palette for mixing paints; paints or pastels in yellow and red; work surface (pastel paper, watercolor paper, canvas, etc.), brushes and thinners (if necessary)
Step 1
How do you make orange if you need it but you don't have it in your arsenal? You should refer to the basics of painting and the color palette. You can make orange using the two colors yellow and red, which are the basis of the "color wheel" of the palette. Squeeze yellow and red paints onto your palette, and then mix them with a brush or palette knife. If the colors are taken in the same proportions, then, with displacement, we will become the owners of the classic orange color. If we take more yellow than red, then we get a yellow-orange or golden-orange color. If you take more red, then the orange will be more saturated and red. To make the orange color softer and more muted, it is better to add whitewash to it. To make the color darker, it is better to mix it with a dark gray color. Black is worse in this sense, since it not only darkens, but also steals part of the color spectrum.
Step 2
If you want to get orange in dry pastels, then you can mix the same two colors. Apply them in layers on top of each other, and then rub. The shade of orange will depend entirely on what color was in the top layer. If the top layer was red, then you get a red-orange color. If the top layer was yellow, then the orange will be light, yellow-orange.
Step 3
In the case of oil or wax pastels, it is best to have pure orange as it is very difficult to mix this type of pastel. However, you can get it if you put a layer of red on the paper, and then, on top of it, apply yellow and grind everything thoroughly. In addition, in pastels, you can achieve a change in the color or tone of pigments by choosing the right color of the paper.