For the first time, a game about the adventures of the adorable Banjo was published for the Nintendo platform. And now, many years later, the creators have transformed the hero and released a game based on his adventures special for the Xbox 360. The game is distinguished by high-resolution graphics, as well as complete freedom of creativity.

Step 1
Learn the rules before playing. The essence of the game is that the Lord of the game, tired of the eternal bickering between Gruntilde and Banjo, arranges competitions that will determine the real owner of Spiral Mountain. The lord of the game creates special worlds in which you will compete, while the evil witch Gruntilda will try to interfere with you in every possible way.
Step 2
Use the given freedom of creativity, since you (the heroes) can travel not only on foot, but also on a variety of vehicles. It is you who determine how your vehicle will look like. You will have to explore the nearest surroundings, solve riddles and puzzles and get parts from which you can later assemble any type of transport. Combine the given wheels, engines and other spare parts in any combination and order, it all depends on the flight of your imagination. Create cars, planes, ships equipped with sophisticated weapons (for example, cannons shooting eggs) that will help you defeat Gruntilde.
Step 3
If the role of the inventor is not to your liking, do not despair, choose from a variety of ready-made vehicles and go on a journey.
Step 4
Please note that even a whole company can play Banjo, try to compete with each other or play in joint attractions.
Step 5
The new game invites you to meet with already known and beloved heroes, in addition to this, you will get acquainted with new bright characters. And yet, the game is fully translated into Russian.