With the advent of democracy in our country, many ordinary people thought about writing their own books. Now there are practically no restrictions on topics for writing a work. Censorship favors many authors. After writing the first work, a person faces the question of how to sell the book to a publishing house.

Step 1
You need to prepare in advance for going to the publishing house. Make a short description of your piece. It should be short, but present your creation in a favorable light. It is not necessary to completely retell the contents of the book, it is enough to describe the essence in general terms. You should have a selling description of the piece.
Step 2
Choosing a publisher is an important step in selling a book. The Internet will help you find all the publishers that are most geographically located. You can submit your book to several publishers at once. Send a letter to each of them with a description of your book. You don't need to attach any files to your email - editors don't have time to read them. Your offer should be short but beneficial to the publisher.
Step 3
On a positive note, the idea of a series of books you have written is. Publishers benefit from such cooperation, since in fact only one book will need to be advertised. If the reader likes it, then he will be ready to buy all subsequent books by this author.
Step 4
Do not be upset if the letters you have sent remain unanswered. Be persistent. In about a month, send more emails. If by this time you have any corrections in the work, or you have already written another book from the same series, be sure to mention this.
Step 5
If you have received several answers from publishers at once, then approach with all seriousness the final choice of one of them. It is advisable to talk with authors who have previously collaborated with these publishers. Collect as much reliable information as possible about each publisher. Analyze the current situation and choose the most reliable publisher.
Step 6
Set the price in advance, below which you do not want to give your creation. Discuss all other terms of cooperation. Only after that conclude an agreement with the publisher.