For many photographers, portrait photography is their favorite genre. People are photographed by both masters and beginners who have not yet gained experience. Such popularity of the portrait is easy to explain: every person wants his image to be captured on paper, and after years you can see what he was like.

It is necessary
Step 1
If you want to learn how to photograph people, first of all, learn to respect them. No matter how pretentious this phrase may seem, but when the photographer is dismissive of the model, he is unlikely to be able to take a good shot. And not only because he will not penetrate into the soul of a person, that is, he will not be able to convey his feelings in his work, but also because the person will be shackled in front of the camera, will not be able to trust the master, subconsciously reacting to his attitude towards himself.
Step 2
Watch people. Do not rush to take a picture, first take a closer look at the person you intend to make a portrait of. Reveal his characteristic gestures, facial expressions, try to notice how he reacts to various events. So you can, after saying a few words to the model, achieve the emotion you need. After all, not all people are able to "play" in front of the camera. Yes, the game looks, as a rule, unnatural.
Step 3
Be careful when composing your shot. Before pressing the shutter button, consider if there is any extra detail in the field of view of the lens. Remember that one thing is enough for a portrait, and if the model already has a pipe in her hands, then you should not add a glass to it.
Step 4
Feel free to experiment. Change the camera angle. By the way, sometimes the classic camera position (opposite the model's eyes) should be avoided. For example, if a person has small eyes, then the camera should be held slightly higher.
Step 5
Always try to make the person's flaws invisible. Remember that people should enjoy your work, and few people are pleased to see themselves as ugly. It is better not to take pictures of fat people in profile, so as not to focus on the double chin. You can disguise a bald spot that is beginning to appear using a dark background: on it, the head will also appear darker. Love people and you will definitely learn how to take beautiful portraits.