Why Successful People Learn Chinese Practices

Why Successful People Learn Chinese Practices
Why Successful People Learn Chinese Practices

Recently, more and more often you can come across Chinese philosophy. The ideas of Confucius and Lao Tzu form the basis of the lifestyles of hundreds of successful people. So what are the secrets worth learning from the teachings of the ancient sages?

Why Successful People Learn Chinese Practices
Why Successful People Learn Chinese Practices

Stop "looking for yourself"

Ancient Chinese philosophers would be very skeptical about the idea that each person should find his calling and figure out who he is. In fact, we change every day, every moment when we encounter or with something. Everything in the world changes us and we change everyone around.

Be flexible, don't be afraid to change

Confucius would say that loyalty to oneself is not a path to freedom, but, on the contrary, enslaves us. Since we change every moment of our life, one should not give one image such power over us. Don't be afraid to adjust to every situation that comes up in your life. You will still be yourself.

Match your feelings to actions, not the other way around

People are fixated on "finding a solution intuitively," although this is often the wrong way to approach a problem. First, decide in which direction you want to move, and after that, the feelings will tune in to the right way.

Don't make big decisions, take small steps

When making decisions about the future, we do not take into account the changes in our personality. Perhaps now you do not want a family and children and plan your career 15 years ahead, and tomorrow you will meet the Man of Your Dreams and - voila! - all plans are down the drain. As a result, regret about goals that were not achieved.

Seeing the goal is good, so let the paths of achievement change.

It's better to be open than strong

There is an opinion that the strongest wins, but Lao Tzu refutes this point of view, saying that weakness overcomes brute strength. You need to be able to see the relationship between events, and not look at them as a chain of separate elements. Looking at the world in this way, we relax and no longer see life as a competition. It helps to find compromises, to hear other people.

Try different things

Ancient philosophers believe that obsession with their strengths dooms a person to bias. They argue that you need to not only hone your natural inclinations, but also try to improve your weaknesses - this is the approach that can make your life complete.

Take action

Chinese philosophers did not believe that one could get better just by contemplating and observing. They argued that self-improvement occurs primarily through active action. So don't waste time looking for harmony in yourself. It will come over time through contacts with the outside world.

Create your own path

Often we ourselves limit ourselves, holding on to the established rules and procedures. If you want to do well, be prepared to get off the beaten path. Recognize that it is impossible to live life according to a perfectly designed plan. All life is changeable, and we should react to everything that happens. This is the only way we can live our lives properly.