Do you feel the desire to become a photographer, capture important moments in people's lives and give everyone a positive mood? Keep in mind that in order to photograph people well and correctly, you need to know a little theory and have enough practice.

Step 1
Theory in photographing people is very important. There are all sorts of rules for diagonals, thirds, golden ratio, etc. Read useful literature, remember that you cannot cut off body parts that fall along the joint in the picture. For example, do not cross out the hand, half of the face from the frame.
Step 2
First, decide on the background and composition of the future shot. There is no need to put people on a cluttered background, because the main object will be just a person. It is worth shooting against the sun, the main thing is that it does not shine in the face of your model, and she does not frown. Renting a photo studio can be an excellent option, if you are a beginner photographer, then the administrator in the studio will help you set the power and light option.
Step 3
If you are going to shoot close-ups or portraits, then it is better to set your technique to "Portrait" mode. Talk to your model in a positive way so she can relax. The muscles of the neck and face should not be tense. Help with advice, suggest how to get up, whether it is worth smiling. If you want to take a full-length photo, then shoot from a distance, crouching slightly so that the camera is at the level of the model's hips. You do not want to shorten the legs in the frame and lengthen the body, the client simply will not forgive you for this mistake.
Step 4
Consider all the characteristics of the person you are shooting. If it is overweight, then it is better to place the model in the frame in a half-turn, and you can choose massive trees or buildings in the background to visually play in contrast. If the model has problem skin, then it is better to light it up a little with a flash than to shoot in the dark in low light.
Step 5
Know that your main goal is to make your customers like your photos. Listen to their opinions and wishes. Surrender to all your imagination, experiment, and then in the future you simply will not have an end to clients!