Predatory plants are very rare, some of them are listed in the Red Book. Only five can be grown at home, they tolerate room temperature well and will help get rid of annoying insects.

Since ancient times, people have tried to decorate their homes with plants, choosing varieties with unusual leaves and bright flowers for this. There are many legends about carnivorous plants that lured into their traps and killed people, but scientists are skeptical about this, but there are more than 300 species of carnivorous plants that feed on insects in the world.
At home, you can grow predators that are safe for humans: dionea (Venus flytrap), nepentes, sarracenia, thin-leaved sundew and Cape sundew.
has leaves of an unusual shape from two oval valves with denticles. They resemble a small trap, with its help a plant and catches insects with incredible speed. As soon as the fly lands on the leaf, the trap instantly slams shut. The Venus flytrap blooms in May and June, with a dormant period in the fall. This plant loves direct sunlight and high levels of humidity. It is also important to monitor nutrition, if the leaves darken and begin to fall off, it means that there are not enough plants for the flycatcher. She needs 3-4 flies within a month.

Is a semi-shrub vine, often found in hanging pots. The plant grows in nature in a swamp, so it is important to ensure that the soil is always moist at home, nepentes should be regularly sprayed and the required humidity level in the room maintained - at least 70%. This plant lures the victim with the help of small pitchers-traps, on their edges alluring sweet nectar is released. The traps are large enough, not only insects, but also small rodents, frogs and birds can fall into them.

found in many private collections of plants. She does not like drafts and stagnation of moisture in the soil, but even a novice florist can cope with it. Twisted leaves resembling water lilies grow from the root system of sarracenia. It is they who catch insects, which are attracted by the rich aroma of the plant. On the walls of the water lilies there are hairs that do not allow the insect to move up the leaf - only down.

- one of the most popular types of carnivorous plants that are grown at home. The fine stems have small, shiny hairs with a strong odor and sweet liquid that attract insects. As soon as the fly has landed on the plant, the process of twisting the stem into a tube begins, the victim will no longer be able to get out. Thin-leaved sundew blooms in July and August, at home it needs to provide a high level of humidity and prevent the soil from drying out.

Is a beautiful plant with bright flowers. It is able to digest even cartilage and bones, only the chitinous cover remains from the victims. As soon as the insect sits on a sundew leaf, it immediately folds, the digestive process begins. Interestingly, the plant only reacts to organic food, if a drop of water falls on the leaf, it will remain motionless.