For cool weather, such an original scarf is perfect. It will not only keep warm, but also decorate your image, make it unique, as it looks very delicate, feminine. And sewing it is very, very simple.

It is worth making such an original scarf-snood with lace trim in two cases - if you just want to sew something with your own hands or if you have a plain tippet lying around that you are very tired of.
I must say that the beauty of such a model of a scarf is that it does not need to withstand any specific measurements - you can sew it both narrow and very wide (if you like volume), but you can also wear it as a snood, in that number and throwing it over the head. The only measurement that must be checked is that the head fits into the scarf in finished form.

So, you will need a fabric (plain or with a light unobtrusive pattern, ordinary cotton fabric or fine wool, silk, you can also use thin knitwear), a piece of lace at least 30 cm in length, threads in color.
select lace and fabric in such a way that the density of the fabrics are approximately equal. A delicate translucent chiffon and dense heavy lace will look ugly and vice versa.
1. Sew a piece of lace to one side of the fabric.
2. Sew the scarf inside out and turn the garment inside out.
3. Sew the lace to the second edge of the scarf with a blind stitch to create a circle.
4. Steam the finished product.
When matching lace to fabric, try playing with contrast or choosing plain fabrics.