How To Decorate A Wall With Butterflies

How To Decorate A Wall With Butterflies
How To Decorate A Wall With Butterflies

Table of contents:


Have you wanted to decorate a wall for a long time, but do not know how best to do it? I suggest you draw fluttering glowing butterflies! This is an excellent option for a child's room.

How to decorate a wall with butterflies
How to decorate a wall with butterflies

It is necessary

  • - cardboard;
  • - phosphor paint of 3 types - with yellow, green and blue glow;
  • - pencil;
  • - kitchen sponge;
  • - stationery knife;
  • - spray glue;
  • - brushes - 3 pcs;
  • - flat synthetic brush # 7;
  • - threads;
  • - palette.


Step 1

Before you start decorating the wall, you need to make butterfly stencils. To do this, simply print the template, transfer it to cardboard, and then cut out the outlines of the butterflies. It is best to use a separate piece of cardboard for each drawing.


Step 2

After the stencils are ready, you need to glue them to the wall. To do this, apply spray adhesive to the wrong side of the stencils.


Step 3

Now you should cut the kitchen sponge into 3 pieces. Then wind the resulting pieces on tassels and secure with a simple thread.


Step 4

Put the phosphor paints on the palette. You can start coloring the butterflies. To do this, dip a brush with a sponge into the paint and apply it to the stencil. A separate brush must be used for each paint. To make it more convenient for you to cope with the task at hand, do this procedure in the twilight.


Step 5

At the end of the staining, you need to let the butterflies dry out a little, after which you can remove the stencils. Then take a simple pencil and trace each drawing along the outline with it. The resulting decoration must be left to dry for 2 hours.

To create an imitation of the movement of the wings, you need to apply light strokes of blue paint with a flat brush. The wall decoration is complete! Surely such a miracle will delight your baby!
