Hand-made souvenirs always delight loved ones, because they are filled with diligence and love. Paper angels look very cute, and even a two-year-old child can create them.

Making an angel out of paper is a simple task that will take a little time to complete. The easiest way is to cut the angel out according to the scheme, which can be found on the Internet or in magazines.
Volumetric craft
If you want to make an angel out of paper simply and very quickly, you can print a color scheme on a printer or cut out the necessary parts from colored paper. First of all, you need to do a dress for an angel. To do this, you will need to cut out two truncated cones of different colors. Then you will need beige colored paper to create the face of the craft.
You can outline your face using a special pattern and use a marker to highlight facial features such as nose, eyes, and lips. To create a halo, you need yellow paper, from which you need to cut two circles with an empty middle. Details are connected to each other. For the sleeve, you need a rectangle of paper in the amount of two pieces. Rounding is done on one side.
The palms are made from the previously used beige paper and glued to the sleeves. At the last stage, two wing blanks are cut out, since they must be colored on both sides, and glued to the main cone. The angel is ready. If you thread a string through a halo, you get a wonderful Christmas decoration.
Angel made of paper for Christmas
One of the symbols of such a wonderful holiday as Christmas is an angel. It can also be used as a Christmas tree decoration. In order to create a Christmas miracle, you need to take a piece of paper, fold it in half and draw an angel on one side: a part of the dress, a halo, a wing, and a head.
After the angel is carved, you need to start with the small details. The dress is cut into small stripes from the bottom, the same can be done with the wings, which can be of any desired shape. If you wind the resulting strips on a pencil or pen, the decoration will be more voluminous.
The finished figure unfolds, the upper part of the halo stretches out - these will be hands folded in prayer. In this way, an angel is created for Christmas. If you make several crafts, then you can decorate the chandelier with them by hanging them to it with the help of strings.