Under the sign of ash are people born between February 19 and March 17. Such personalities are usually very creative, they are attracted by art in different forms. The ash-tree man has developed intuition and empathy, he is quite sociable and trusting, he can easily fall under the influence of others.

A person under the auspices of an ash tree is sensitive, attentive and merciful. He is always ready to help, support, listen. Ash trees make good psychologists who see into the root, can easily find the true cause of all problems and troubles.
The ash-man's advice should be heeded, it is rarely inappropriate or incorrect. Such a person is distinguished by friendliness and openness to the world, she does not seek to achieve some of her own selfish goals through the suffering of another person. Therefore, the ash-tree man can and must be trusted. Moreover, he knows how to keep secrets and secrets, hates gossip and prefers to say everything directly, rather than discuss the person behind his back.
From an early age, the ash-tree is drawn to the beautiful. He is fascinated by theater and cinema, he likes to watch cartoons and read illustrated books. As he gets older, he shows more and more interest in art and creativity. However, very often a person who was born under the sign of ash has an unstable self-esteem. He may not believe in his own talent, in his own strength, in giftedness. He can ignore his creativity and give up quickly when things don't work out.
Often, ash people choose a profession that is nevertheless associated with art and creativity, but prefer to be in the shadows. For example, they make good stage workers, theater artists, make-up artists, animators, and so on. But becoming an outstanding dancer, musician or actor for an ash-tree person can be prevented by his lack of faith in himself and excessive shyness. Only in the case when there are people nearby supporting the ash tree, such a person will be able to fully believe in himself and become famous.
A lot of ideas are always boiling in the ash-tree man's head. He has a good reserve of strength, so he can take on several projects at once. However, people born under the sign of ash according to the horoscope of the Druids often lack obstinacy, perseverance and perseverance. Because of this, they tend to give up things, not bringing them to the final. However, if a man-ash really burns with some idea, he will forget about everything, will ignore sleep and rest, only to quickly achieve the desired goal.
People who are patronized by ash are often too gullible. They idealize those they sympathize with, do not see any evil traits in them, and easily fall under outside influence. They should be more attentive to their immediate environment, avoid contact with suspicious individuals in order not to get into an unpleasant or risky situation.
There is a lot of love and warmth inside the ash-tree. Therefore, he is able to become a wonderful lover. He is not prone to adultery, he values family relationships very much. Ash people make wonderful, very sensitive and caring parents.
The positive traits of ash people should also include: ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to quickly recover from shocks or illnesses, stress resistance, emotionality, spontaneity. Such people, as a rule, are easy-going, quickly catch up with new ideas, know how to maintain a conversation and are able to make the most pleasant impression, joining a new team without any problems.