Hazel patronizes those born between August 5 and September 1. Such people outwardly look very restrained, a little cold and detached. They perfectly know how to control themselves, because sometimes it seems that they do not experience any vivid feelings.

The hazel man has a lively mind. He is curious, loves to learn. He is always drawn to learn something new. At the same time, the hazel man takes both theory and practice seriously. He likes to do research, conduct scientific activities. Among those who, according to the sign of the horoscope of the Druids, are hazel, there are many scientists, historians, inventors, engineers, archaeologists, doctors, teachers, testers. Having chosen a certain type of activity for himself, a hazel man remains devoted to him throughout his life.
Despite the fact that people under the patronage of hazel have developed logic, they have an analytical mindset, such individuals are still interested in art and creativity. They can make talented writers, poets, screenwriters, artists, directors, designers. The hazel man is very observant, he knows how to notice details, as well as see beauty where other people cannot see it. Thanks to such features, the hazel man is able to create amazing works of art that will not leave anyone indifferent.
People who are born under the sign of hazel have a lot of talents. There are many truly gifted individuals among them. However, due to lack of faith in their own strengths, due to excessive sensitivity to criticism and other people's opinions, it is not easy for them to overcome the internal barrier and embark on the path of development, self-realization. A hazel man often strives for the ideal, tries to please everyone around him, and this stops the creative process and deprives him of inspiration.
Due to the peculiarities of his psyche, a hazel person is often suspicious. Paranoia is no stranger to him. In especially gloomy moments of life, he may feel lost and surrounded by enemies, ill-wishers. He often looks for a catch or a double meaning where there is no such thing at all.
Due to his excessive suspicion, a hazel person can constantly face stress, which he creates for himself. The nervous system suffers from this, which is already quite weak in hazel trees. Under the influence of situations and negative thoughts, people who are patronized by hazel often face psychosomatic illnesses, headaches, insomnia and nervous tics.
The hazel man has a rather small reserve of physical strength. Therefore, it is quickly depleted, it needs regular good rest. Overworked, a hazel person becomes apathetic, irritable or even aggressive. At such moments, his inherent restraint fades into the background. He begins to make annoying mistakes, makes the wrong decisions, and in the end he simply closes in himself, as if hiding in a shell, fleeing from the cruel world around him.
Although a hazel man looks cold, detached, in fact, he can experience very strong emotions. They often strangle him from the inside. However, the fear of appearing weak or ridiculous does not allow a person born under the sign of hazel to free himself from experiences, to share his worries with the people around him.
If too many trials and problems fall out on the path of a hazel, he becomes cynical. An insidious manipulator wakes up in him, who is very easily rubbed into trust, and then begins to control people, acting exclusively in his own interests.