Gene Hersholt (real name Jean-Pierre Carl Bouron) is an American actor of Danish descent. In 1950 he won the Honorary Oscar for his invaluable contribution to the development of cinema.

Hersholt is the owner of 2 named stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The first, numbered 6501, he received for work in the cinema, and the second, numbered 6701, for work on the radio. In 1956, almost immediately after the death of the actor, a special Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award was instituted.
There are about 150 film roles in the artist's creative biography. Much of his career has been in silent cinema. By the early 1930s, Hersholt had already become one of the most famous Hollywood actors.
Biography facts
Gene was born in Denmark in the summer of 1886. There is different information about his origin and parents. According to one of the versions, he was born into the family of Henri Pierre Bouron and Clara Petersen, who first worked in a hairdresser, and later his father started selling wine and tobacco.
According to another version, Jin was born into a creative family and traveled all over the country with his parents from an early age. His father and mother were actors, so they often took the boy with them on tour. He began to participate in productions literally from birth, and no one doubted that his whole future life would be associated with art.
Which of these versions is true is difficult to judge. But, one way or another, Hersholt devoted his entire life to the acting profession and became one of the most famous performers of the last century.

Creative way
Gene was educated at art school, and in 1906 he first appeared in films. It was a short film called "The Professor's Newspapers". Up to this point, he already had experience playing on stage, but the cinema attracted him much more.
The first roles did not bring success to the young performer. In addition, in 1907 he was involved in the so-called "big sex scandal" when he and some other actors were accused of prostitution and homosexuality. Lacking powerful friends, money, and opportunities, Jin was unable to resist the accusation. Therefore, he was sentenced to 8 months in prison.
In 1913, Jean decided to leave Denmark and emigrated to America, where he spent the rest of the years. Like many young people, he was looking for his own path and very much hoped that in another country he could find new opportunities, realize his talent and desire to become a famous actor.
In 1914, the young man got to Hollywood, where his successful career began. For a couple of years, he starred in dozens of silent films and soon earned the recognition and love of the public.

Among his works were roles in the films: "The Apprentice", "Bullets and Brown Eyes", "Arab Loops", "Aryan", "Kinkade", "The Desert", "Black Orchids", "The Struggle for Love", "Terror", Love on Fire, Holy Sinner, Secret Service Dangers, Southern Justice, The Great Law, Shepherd of Souls, Madame Spy, Prisoner of Love.
In the 1920s, the artist played mainly villains and negative characters, while his images were significantly different from all others and always attracted the attention of the audience. In this he was certainly helped by the theatrical experience. Soon, directors literally bombarded Hersholt with new attractive proposals.
According to many film critics, Jin really played great. Many of his films have become symbols of the bit cinema era. The actors working with him on the set had the opportunity to become famous and in demand in a short time.
Another success and fame came to him in 1924. Gene played one of the central roles in the crime thriller Greed directed by Erich von Stroheim. The main character of the picture works as a dentist. He marries the girl Trine, who unexpectedly wins a large sum in the lottery, but at the same moment greed awakens in her.

Gradually, the actor began to move away from the images of villains and proved that he could play completely different characters. He worked extensively with Samuel Goldwin, one of the most famous and successful American producers in the history of Hollywood, who was involved in the creation of 3 major film studios. In 1927, Hersholt signed a contract with the Paramount studio where he worked for several years.
In the late 1920s, the first sound pictures began to appear. The era of silent films was ending, and for some actors, their cinematic career was also coming to an end.
By this time, Hersholt had already starred in 75 films. In 1930 he was offered to play in his first sound film "Climax". Despite the fact that the actor had a slight German accent, he had a soft and charming voice. This gave him the opportunity to continue working in films, get new roles and ensure further success for himself.
The actor starred in many famous films, including: "Suzanne Lenox", "Grand Hotel", "Fu Manchu Mask", "Dinner at eight", "Painted Veil", "Vampire Sign", "Seventh Heaven", "Heidi", "Ragtime Band Alexandra", "Soldier's Club", "Dancing in the Dark".
The last time he appeared on the screen was in 1955 in the film "In Shelter".

For 5 years, Gene headed the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was actively involved in charity work. In 1948 he was awarded the Danish Order of Knighthood - Dannebrogordenen. In 1955, the actor was awarded the prestigious DeMille Award.
Hersholt was fluent in German and English. In the 1940s, he began translating the books of his beloved writer H. H. Andersen. In 1949, a 6-volume edition was published under the title The Complete Works of Andersen, translated by Hersholt, which is still considered one of the best.
Personal life
Gene has been married to one woman all his life. Petra Via Andersen became his wife in April 1914. In December of the same year, the couple had a son, who was named Allan Eigil. Later, like his father, he chose the acting profession.
Hersholt passed away in the summer of 1956. Cancer was the cause of death.
The artist was buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in California. On the actor's grave there is a statue of the clumsy Hans - one of the characters in Andersen's fairy tales, who left his home to find his way in life, just as Jean did once.