What Happened To The Son Of Vasily Lanovoy

What Happened To The Son Of Vasily Lanovoy
What Happened To The Son Of Vasily Lanovoy

The union of Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko is one of the strongest in modern cinema. People's artists enjoy the well-deserved love of the public. The news that the family had lost their youngest son, Sergei, really shook the public. Especially against the background of the fact that his departure from life is very ambiguous.

What happened to the son of Vasily Lanovoy
What happened to the son of Vasily Lanovoy

On October 9, 2013, a terrible grief happened in the family of famous artists Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko: their youngest son Sergei passed away. He was only 37 years old. The cause of death was not disclosed, so the public often had a question - what really happened to the son of Vasily Lanovoy?

What was Sergey Lanovoy like?

The family of Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko was called exemplary, which is a rarity for the acting world.

Both sons of folk artists, Sergei and Alexander, grew up to be intelligent and educated people. The elder brother became a historian, the younger one became an economist.

Sergei Lanovoy wrote poetry and prose, was well versed in literature, knew English perfectly. For a long time he worked as a translator. In addition, Sergei was fond of technology.


Unfortunately, the youth of Lanovoy Jr. was very stormy. He had problems with law enforcement agencies, and with alcohol and drugs. He often got into unpleasant situations and repeatedly scandalous news about him appeared on the pages of the yellow press, most often about his relationship with women. However, such problems did not have a fatal impact on the life of the young man. He continued to work, write, and attend cultural events. Sergei inherited from his father real masculine beauty, to become, a thoughtful attitude to what is happening around him.

Several years ago, Lanovoy met a woman who was 10 years older than him. It was Olga Korotina, a crisis psychologist at the Center for Healthy Youth, where the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy turned for help. According to some reports, she specialized in working with drug addicted patients. At 47, Olga was already a grandmother three times, but at the same time she looked young and bright. Sergei was not embarrassed by the age difference with his chosen one, and those around him noted that he looked really happy with a dream.

The main version of death

According to official information, Sergei Lanovoy died of acute heart failure when he was alone in the apartment of his common-law wife Olga. This version may well be true, because cases of death in heart disease in men are not uncommon, even at a younger age.

Relatives of Sergei Vasilyevich refused any comments, which gave rise to a wave of rumors and suspicions.

First of all, there were suspicions that Sergei Lanovoy's death was related to drugs or alcohol. Official data on the content of prohibited substances in his blood have not been made public, so such a situation cannot be ruled out. On the other hand, people from Sergei's inner circle claimed that he had not drunk or taken drugs for a long time. It is possible that the body malfunctioned due to a past life.


Thoughts about a twin brother

Olga Korovina recalled that Sergei often recalled his unborn twin brother. Lanovoy often tried to imagine how his brother would have grown, how they would have grown together, and such thoughts gradually turned into an obsession. It is possible that Sergei felt a changing connection with his brother and this influenced both his emotional state and premature departure.

A religious sect?

After a few publications in the press about the death of Serie Lanovoy, in which very scant information was presented, insiders appeared who were ready to share some facts from the life of a man. The most shocking version (later confirmed) of what happened was sent to the editorial office of one of the print media.

As it turned out, a religious sect was hiding behind the Healthy Youth Center. Sergey Lanovoy, a man with a complex psyche and some life problems, has become an ideal "client" for the organization. It was not difficult to attract him to the adepts and keep him for a long time.


How could Irina Kupchenko, who was a member of the organization's board of trustees, not guess everything? The legendary actress received information in doses, while the scheme of influence on her was thought out to the smallest detail. Members of the Healthy Youth Center presented their sect as an Orthodox organization. The artist saw that her son was in good hands and he felt good there, his beloved woman was nearby, and all the problems were behind him. This became the main argument against taking Sergei. In addition, do not forget that Sergey Lanovoy was a grown man who was able to independently take responsibility for his life and be responsible for any actions.

That is why Irina Kupchenko not only did not interfere with her son's stay in the Healthy Youth Center, but also provided the organization with all kinds of support, including financial.

