At the end of April 2017, a video appeared on the network, which says that the famous doctor Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin found himself in a difficult life situation: he not only began to have serious health problems, but also lost his only home and his beloved wife.

What happened to Neumyvakin
The video says that Neumyvakin's stepdaughter (more precisely, the adopted daughter from another marriage) sued him for his only apartment and evicted the professor from it. The fact is that Neumyvakin's wife Irina Pavlovna, before her death, wrote a will, in which she wrote off the existing apartment to her daughter.
His stepdaughter, Pappas Elena Alekseevna, managing all his affairs, registered all open medical centers in her own name. In the end, she announced to Neumyvakin that she was the owner of everything, and that nothing belonged to the professor himself.
At the same time, Ivan Pavlovich's wife unexpectedly falls ill and soon dies under strange circumstances. Immediately after her death (literally on the second day) she was cremated, her ashes were scattered. This was done at the direction of the same stepdaughter. Supposedly, this was also the last will of the deceased.
Dr. Neumyvakin himself suffered severe stress, as a result of which he lost his sight (before that he had 1 group of visual impairment). And it is not surprising: the death of his wife was announced to him a few weeks after the tragic incident!
In addition, he suffered a hip fracture due to an accident, and underwent two operations to restore the broken bone.
As a result, immediately after his recovery, Neumyvakin was given a condition that he should vacate an apartment that did not belong to him.
Currently, Ivan Pavlovich lives in an apartment designed by familiar entrepreneurs for him on credit. The loan is interest-free, but it must be repaid by Neumyvakin himself. At least for voluntarily donated funds. The professor lives on funds raised by volunteers. Despite the suffering he has endured, he continues to work, write books and scientific articles, and believes in the best.
The appeal to the courts gave nothing. From a legal point of view, the professor himself gave his consent to the conduct of his stepdaughter Pappas Elena Alekseevna all his affairs, and there is no corpus delicti in her actions. They did not start a criminal case against her.
What is Neumyvakin famous for
Professor Ivan Neumyvakin is a doctor of medical sciences, a laureate of the USSR State Prize, the creator of his own unique health improvement system based on health and cleansing procedures, regular physical activity, a correct lifestyle and the intake of a certain amount of water per day.
According to Ivan Pavlovich, taking care of human health should not be difficult. The main thing is to carry out the recommendations proposed to him systematically. The health-improving system was created back in the days of the USSR for the needs of cosmonauts, to provide them with medical assistance during long flights. The best doctors and scientists of the USSR participated in the creation of the system.
Dr. Neumyvakin also opened his own health center, a space hospital in the village of Borovitsa, Kirov region. The hospital is small, with 30 patients, but the process of their recovery takes three weeks, 21 days. After recovery, patients can continue to live without taking any medications, just following the recommendations of Ivan Pavlovich.
The space hospital widely uses the most modern methods of diagnosing the body:
- computer iridology (studies of the iris of the eye);
- dowsing method of reading information from the human aura.
When restoring, only the author's methods of Neumyvakin are used, which have no analogues in the world:
- Colon hydrotherapy is a method of destroying pathogenic microflora using atomic oxygen.
- Spine correction by means of shock wave massage. Just a few sessions of this massage allow individual vertebrae to restore broken interconnections and improve overall immunity.
- Lymphatic drainage - cleaning of interstitial fluid, contributing to the overall cleaning of the body.
- Correction of the biofield structure, very similar to psychotherapeutic assistance, learning how to resist negative psychological influences.
- Treatment with magnetrons - funnels and bracelets with magnetic tips, restoring the biofield structure of a person.
According to all the patients of the space hospital, the treatment gives real positive results, the consolidation of which depends only on the systematic implementation of individual recommendations that are given to each discharged patient.