Making crafts with your own hands always fascinates not only children, but also adults, and such a procedure as molding from salt dough can turn into a pleasure. A craft in the form of a horse can be presented to your loved ones and relatives, for a birthday or to decorate your home with it. In order to create an exclusive craft yourself, you need to have just a few ingredients and tools at hand.

You can sculpt from salt dough with a child or on your own, it is easy to turn the craft into a magnet, Christmas tree toy or keychain. Such arts and crafts activities improve fine motor skills, general condition and mood. So sculpting from dough is not only pleasant, but also useful. Unlike various low-quality plasticines, the dough does not contain harmful components and does not cause allergic reactions.
Dough horse: where to start?
In order to "knead" the material for modeling, you need to take the following ingredients: a glass of flour, a glass of salt, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and starch, 2/3 cup of water. You need to carefully mix all the ingredients and knead the dough from them. Try to keep it smooth and elastic, not sticking to your fingers. Separate part of the dough and form a ball out of it, roll out a layer about 0.7 cm thick on a cutting board.
Working with a template
To continue working with the craft, take a drawing that shows a horse, you can draw it yourself, cut it out of children's coloring, or print it from the Internet. You will also need a clerical knife, a thin brush, paints or gouache, a toothpick, super glue or PVA, a board for working with plasticine or foil-wrapped cardboard, if not a pity, you can use ordinary kitchen foil. Since this method of making crafts will be carried out using salt dough, you can take a magnet in addition, so you should have a horse with a magnet.
It is necessary to cut out a horse template from paper, it is desirable that it has a streamlined shape. Next, you need to attach the cut image to the rolled dough, carefully cut along the contour with a clerical knife, then remove the extra strips of dough and leave the figure on the board.
With the help of a toothpick, you can apply a relief pattern in order to make the figurine more expressive. Gently draw the grooves with a toothpick, highlighting the mane, tail, hooves, eyes, nostrils, ears, and so on. Leave the garment to dry on the windowsill for 15 hours. After that, you need to grease the figure on one side with PVA glue, and then wait until it dries completely. The same must be done on the other side, leaving the horse for another 5 days for perfect drying.
You can accelerate the technological process by sending the figurine to the oven heated to 80 degrees, and leaving it for an hour and a half. After the horse is completely dry, you can paint it with paints and glue the magnet. With the help of such simple manipulations, you can get a beautiful and exclusive DIY craft.