Yegor Creed is a young singer performing in the genres of pop and rap, a resident of Timati's Black Star label. Possessing good looks, Creed enjoys great success among girls and is currently in search of her one and only.

Yegor Creed (Bulatkin) was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. His parents are well-known and well-to-do: father Nikolai Bulatkin is the owner of a large food factory, his mother is his business assistant and singer. It was my mother who contributed to Yegor's love for music. His older sister Polina was also fond of singing, so the boy had all the prerequisites to develop this talent further.
In high school, Yegor became seriously interested in rap culture and at the age of 11 he composed his first song called "Amnesia". At the age of 14, he came up with the pseudonym KreeD, which simply seemed interesting to him for the combination of letters. Fame came to Yegor Creed in 2011, when he posted the song “Love on the Net” on his page on the VKontakte social network. Also, the aspiring singer shot a video that quickly gained over a million views.
The young performer began to create covers of famous compositions. One of them was a clip for Timati's track "Don't go crazy." The author of the original song and the owner of the Black Star Inc. immediately saw the talent in the guy and invited him to his team. At the same time, Yegor takes part in the VKontakte Star project, in which he won the Best Hip-Hop Project nomination. A series of solo concerts began, first in his native Penza, and later in Moscow, where the singer was supported by the Timati production center.
In 2013, Yegor Creed decided to try himself in the pop genre and wrote the song "More than Love" together with the singer Alexei Vorobyov. Some time later, in the spring of 2014, Creed's solo single "Samaya Samaya" was released, which conquered the Russian charts and became the singer's most recognizable hit.
A year later, the artist released his first album "Bachelor" with hits such as "Jealousy", "Bride" and others. At the same time, the track "Samaya Samaya", included in the album, won the annual RU TV award in the nomination "Best Song of the Year". In 2017, Creed's second album "What They Know" was released, most of the songs in which were recorded in the rap genre.
Yegor Creed admits that he is very amorous, so the relationship in his personal life quickly changed one after another. At the beginning of his career, in 2012, he began dating actress Miroslava Karpovich. This relationship lasted only six months. In 2013, the singer liked the model Diana Melison. The couple met just for a short time, and the reason for the separation was Yegor's lack of serious intentions (according to Diana). The same thing happened during further relations with singer Victoria Daineko: young people quickly cooled down in their feelings.
Yegor's romance with the singer Nyusha, which began in 2014, became very bright and discussed. It was her boyfriend who called his true love and even thought about cementing the relationship with an official marriage. Nyusha herself was in no hurry to advertise her intentions and later preferred Yegor to the older and more serious public figure Igor Sivov. The frustrated singer tried to find solace in the model of Ksenia Delhi, then Victoria Odintsova, and again the relationship came to naught.
At the beginning of 2018, the TNT TV channel announced that Yegor Creed would become the protagonist of the new, sixth season of the popular show “The Bachelor”. In it, the star must choose a girl and a future bride among 20 voluntary participants. The show started in April and became a real battle for the heart of an attractive and single singer. Dancers Elena Golovan and Ulyana Pylaeva, singers Aida Urazbakhtina and Rosa Hertz, fashion models Galina Chiblis and Olga Lomakina, as well as many other young and well-known girls decided to try their luck. Yegor is in an active choice, and fans are eagerly awaiting his final verdict.