How To Catch A Big Pike

How To Catch A Big Pike
How To Catch A Big Pike

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Catching big fish is every angler's dream. And the big pike is one of the most coveted trophies. After all, this fish has cunning and can use various tricks to free itself. So, having caught it, the fisherman can be really proud of himself.

How to catch a big pike
How to catch a big pike

It is necessary

  • - strong tackle;
  • - large wobbler or jig bait.


Step 1

It is difficult to say where pike is most often found. It inhabits both river pits and grassy shallows. However, if you have already managed to catch a pike in some place, be sure to remember it - soon another fish will take it. Fishing can be done almost at any time, from spring to freeze-up. The best period for catching large pike is autumn.

Step 2

If you set out on a fishing trip determined to catch a particularly large specimen, forget about catching small fish and be patient. For pike, the size of the bait matters. After all, she needs a lot of food, which means that it makes no sense to chase a small bait. Wobblers from 13 to 23 centimeters in size are suitable. Often, jig lures are used for pike fishing - losing them is not as annoying as an expensive wobbler, and the likelihood of this is high.

Step 3

Make sure that your equipment can support the weight of the caught fish. Choose a rod with a length of 2, 7 meters, a line of 0, 22-0, 28, strong fasteners and carabiners, leads made of a soft metal cable - without this there is no point in going fishing. Any part of the tackle must be reliable.

Step 4

If a large pike follows the bait, but is in no hurry to swallow it, change the wobbler. Such a technique can scare off other fish, but the pike, even the most lethargic and cautious, will provoke a grip.

Step 5

After the pike has swallowed the bait, be especially careful. Do not let the fish go into the driftwood, there it will probably be able to free itself, and even confuse your tackle. Pike are strong, tenacious and cunning prey. It can shower you with water and run away while you spit and look around, it can "dance" on its tail, trying to free itself. Slowly drag the caught prey to you until it gets tired. Then you can put it in the landing net and pull it out of the water.
