All fishermen, going fishing, dream of catching big fish. But, as a rule, this does not happen. Rather, the opposite happens, small and medium-sized specimens are caught. So is it possible to purposefully catch large fish? Catching a big fish is a matter of chance and luck. Although you can use some tricks to make the capture of a large specimen more real.

Step 1
Go fishing at night. At this time of day, you have more chances to catch large fish than during the day. Do not forget that a lot depends on the weather conditions. Almost everything affects the bite of fish. From atmospheric pressure and wind direction to water temperature.
Step 2
Attach a large accessory to the hook. Thus, you will cut off small fish that simply cannot swallow a large bait.
Step 3
Aquatic vegetation plays an important role. Fish love oxygen-rich water. During the day, in clear weather, aquatic vegetation releases oxygen, and the fish go there. In cloudy weather or at night, the opposite happens. Aquatic vegetation absorbs oxygen by releasing carbon dioxide. Then the fish comes to clean water.
Step 4
Study the habits of the fish: where it likes to live, what to eat. If you want to catch large predatory fish, you need to know where the small fish lives. Small things, as a rule, live where they can hide from predatory fish, for example, near thickets of aquatic plants.
Step 5
Large fish can be caught using special fishing tackle, such as mugs, zerlitsa, bottom fishing rod. These gear will greatly increase your chances. But to handle them, you need to have a certain skill and dexterity. It will be difficult for a beginner fisherman to understand the intricacies of these tackles without tips from more experienced anglers.
Step 6
Don't sit in one place. Change the place of fishing in the pond. This will increase your chances. The main thing in catching a large fish is patience and luck. If you are patient and luck will smile at you, you will surely catch a worthy trophy specimen.