In life, unpredictable situations occur when a person is far from civilization and he has to fight for survival. For example, getting carried away with picking mushrooms can easily get lost. There is no need to run headlong through an unfamiliar forest, if there is a nearby river or forest lake, it is better to wait out the time until the arrival of the rescuers, and in order not to weaken from hunger, catch a fish.

Step 1
If in a reservoir in shallow water flocks of small fish scurry, then you can wind the edges of a shirt or dress on two sticks so that you get a depression, bring such a homemade net under the flock and sharply raise the structure. Several fish will surely come across.
Step 2
A homemade fishing rod will allow you to catch larger fish. Any elastic branch will fit under the rod. You can take laces as a fishing line. They need to be dissolved into separate threads and tied with a thin pigtail. If there are no laces, then the threads will come from backpack straps or clothing.
Step 3
With a crochet, the situation is more complicated. Well, if you have a pin or wire, it will not be difficult to make a homemade fish hook from them. You can make crochet hooks from metal clothing loops or from a thorny plant such as acacia, or a sharp twig of wood. After the first fish caught, it is better to dry its bones and also make hooks out of them.
Step 4
You can put a bird's feather or a piece of tree bark on the float. Instead of a sinker, a small pebble is used, selected so that the float does not sink, and worms are always full in the forest.
Step 5
If you have a tin can at hand, then you can cut strips in the form of fish from tin, attach homemade hooks with pieces of meat or fish intestines to them. Such a spoon is fixed with a short fishing line on a flexible reed or pole. Swing the bait over the very surface of the water at the edge of the thickets, this may interest predatory fish.
Step 6
If you have an empty plastic soda bottle, it will make a great fish trap. Cut off the top third of the bottle, cut off the throat to make the hole wider, insert it in reverse. Put the bait inside, tie the weight and throw it into the water. The fish will swim in a small hole on the smell of bait, but will not find a way back. It remains only to collect the catch.