Where To Get A Lot Of Silver Ore In WoW

Where To Get A Lot Of Silver Ore In WoW
Where To Get A Lot Of Silver Ore In WoW

Silver Ore in the world of World of Warcraft is one of the rarest and most valuable resources used in various professions. The complexity of its extraction is due to the fact that the principle of the appearance of silver veins is random, therefore it will not work to draw up a specific route.


Features of silver deposits

Silver in WOW is necessary not only for jewelers, but also for blacksmiths, and even engineers who make special contacts and weapon parts from silver ingots. Unlike most other ores, the deposits of which are located in fixed points of the game world, silver ore is mined from veins that randomly appear instead of other metals: tin and iron.

Obviously, it makes sense to mine silver ore in those locations where the number of tin and iron deposits is maximum, while the location itself should not be overly populated, otherwise you will have to fight for every vein with competitors. Such locations include Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, and many others.

You need to focus on the location level, since tin and iron veins in the largest quantities are located in places intended for characters of 20-30 levels.

It is believed that the chance of a silver vein appearing in the place of a tin one is higher than in the place of an iron one, but there is no official confirmation of this. Perhaps the fact is that iron ore is more in demand, so there are not so many untouched lives in the regions where it prevails.

Extraction on an industrial scale

Ideally, to quickly and efficiently search for silver ore, you need to acquire the fastest vehicle, that is, a flying dragon or griffin with maximum flight speed. Unfortunately, such a pet is not cheap, and besides, you first have to reach the level required to learn the skill of a rider. Additionally, you will need to pay a certain amount of gold for the ability to fly over the territories of Azeroth.

To make life easier for a miner can special modifications or "add-ons" that remember the coordinates of all the fields visited earlier. After several days of searching, you will have a map on which most of the possible places of appearance of this or that ore will be plotted.

If you are seriously considering mining silver, you should not neglect the tin and iron veins, especially when you are moving along the circular route. The fact is that a silver vein will appear on the site of another deposit only if this place is free, which means that everything needs to be dug out. Please note that if you do not take the mined ore, then the deposit will not disappear, and a new one will not appear in its place, therefore, before departing on the route, it is worth unloading the inventory as much as possible from all unnecessary items.