Often seen in a dream, gold promises illness and sorrow, tears and falsehood. Also, such a dream means that you are a greedy and rather materialistic person.

Seeing gold in a dream
If you are a merchant, an adventurer or a male trader, be wary, be careful when disposing with your capital, unpredictable consequences are possible.
If in a dream gold shines too brightly or there is too much of it, this dream encourages you to be careful, since in real life passion can blind you, and hopes for happiness will turn out to be false.
Fake gold dreams of finding truth, gold in large quantities to poverty. To dream of gold not in coins is a pure heart, important matters, innocence in what is happening, false hopes.
Gold coins prophesy in a dream a reward for the work done, please note that it may not necessarily be material.
Gold money dreams of something bad, especially if the money is old or you pick it up from the ground. A lot of money is bad. Counting gold money or hiding it - unfortunately, for which you yourself will be to blame.
If in a dream you make gold, this prophesies wasted time.
A harbinger of deception or loss will be a dream in which a person collects gold.
Buying gold is a dream of a demonstration of your power and wealth or a lack of trust among friends. To receive, to take gold - to an unsuccessful investment, possibly, non-repayment of debt, loss of your wallet.
Seeing gold jewelry in a dream
If in a dream a woman sees not one, but several gold jewelry, this is a bad omen. Round-shaped jewelry, namely rings, bracelets, chains, is a symbol of the bond between spouses. If in a dream they are large and heavy, most often they are associated with fetters - in this case, the bond between spouses weighs on both parties. Broken, torn round jewelry means a break in the relationship between spouses.
Gold jewelry, rings and rings in a dream - portend honor, prosperity and wealth. A golden ring in a dream promises an increase in prosperity and beneficial acquaintances. If in a dream you put on a gold ring or rings, a meeting with a loved one or a wedding is possible soon. Many gold rings on one's own hand in a dream portends regret for committed deeds.
The gold seen in a dream can also be interpreted by the following proverb: "All that glitters is not gold," that is, you may get a deceptive impression of a person.
Seeing a ring for married couples in a dream means that you often become the core of discord in your family. But if you reconcile or wear a ring, then you will soon fall in love with a person unknown to you until now.
Receiving gold jewelry in a dream for a woman means that the future spouse will be rich, but at the same time very selfish. Gold jewelry that you hold in your hands or accept from someone as a gift promises a turn of events in your favor.