Almost every person experiences some kind of "vision" during sleep. We dream of people, places, events, some objects or phenomena. In ancient times, dreams were perceived as encrypted messages from the other world, containing information regarding the future person. Priests and sorcerers helped to decipher these messages. Over time, dream books appeared, which are still popular today.

Dreams - excite the best minds of mankind for thousands of years. Dreams - science still cannot explain. And many believe that dreams can show our future, and even the most distant. Of course, many scientists want to explain the nature of dreams, but much remains beyond knowledge.
Some people believe that dreams are simply reflections of our daily experiences, but few experts fully agree with this statement.
Some say that dreams show us the way to solve a problem. Others believe that dreams are trying to give us knowledge about our life, about the past and the future. Still others assume that our dreams have no meaning at all.
However, dreams are likely to matter. It is only important to determine what kind of meaning is hidden in them.
There are many different types of dreams. Some even combine to make sleep more difficult to understand and infinitely difficult to analyze. In their pure form, dreams can be divided into five types: astral, liberating, psychic, desire-dreams and dreams that show the problem and its solution.

They show our inner desires, even if they are unconscious. Although by their nature such dreams are similar to prophetic ones, in them we do not always deal with reality. Because grandiose dreams, connecting with imagination and intertwining with fantasy, become completely illogical. Sometimes they end abruptly without any definitive conclusions.
The meaning of such dreams is to help achieve a desired goal or show us our unconscious desires and goals to strive for.
Astral dreams
Sometimes people remember such dreams, but more often they forget as soon as they wake up. In such dreams, we usually meet friends and family members who are no longer alive. It is believed that this is the time we spend with our spirit guides.
The purpose of astral dreams for us is to receive help from those who are in a different position and can see our life from the outside. Astral dreams tend to have a logical order, in contrast to the wild and often confusing situations that arise in other types of dreams.
In astral dreams, there are no restrictions on time or space. For this reason, we often choose a place that we have always wanted to visit or are striving for where we felt safe.
Liberating dreams
These dreams are very important. They help us get rid of fears, insecurities and frustrations, and help us deal with what worries us when we are awake. Regret, worry, and anxiety are often so deeply embedded in our subconscious that we cannot even acknowledge them as a problem that needs to be addressed.
Liberating dreams are almost always confusing. They lead us in an illogical way. Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, these dreams are messy before they come together. Liberating dreams usually carry some form of rejection. This is often expressed in dreams as we run away from something we fear, such as a tiger, a bear, or an imaginary monster.
Dreams-solutions to the problem
Such dreams are understandable. If you've ever fallen asleep with an unresolved problem just to wake up with a perfect solution ready, then you know what those dreams are. This type of dream is a path for our subconscious mind, which is trying to reach out to our consciousness. A classic example is the famous periodic table that he dreamed about.
Sometimes you can slip in in the morning with a great ending to a play or a ready-made recipe. We often dream of these types of dreams, even if we do not understand that they were them.
Dreams warnings
Almost always followed in sequential order. Unlike some of our other dreams, which can be black and white or colored, such dreams are always bright, they have the brightest colors that we can imagine.
It is these dreams that are called prophetic. The purpose of these dreams is to convey a warning to us. Sometimes a person gets enough information to deal with the warning when they wake up. In other cases, he can only feel discomfort or fear of what is about to happen. Sometimes we do not understand such dreams, but we remember them, and when something happens, the meaning of the dream becomes clear to us. And we regret not having guessed the meaning of our dream earlier.

Dream interpretation
Dream Interpretation is a collection of interpretations of various dreams, this book is intended to predict the future from dreams. For a long time, people believe that dreams are a special world, and if you are not indifferent to it, then you can predict some events in your life and even the life of all mankind.
Speaking about what a dream book is, it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams in dream books by different authors is different, and sometimes dreams containing the same objects and events have a completely opposite meaning. This is because the interpretation of dreams is quite subjective and depends on many factors, so it is necessary to analyze the meaning of various key moments of sleep.
Popular dream books
Currently, people use dream books written at different periods of the existence of human civilization in different countries:
- Miller's dream book
- Dream interpretation of clairvoyant Vanga
- Dream interpretation of psychologist Sigmund Freud
- Dream interpretation of astrologer Nostradamus
- Dream interpretation Hasse
- Loff's dream book

Dream interpretation: find gold jewelry
Gold is highly valued all over the world. Moreover, many cultures endow this noble metal with special qualities. Some peoples believe that gold jewelry in a dream is a good sign. They can be interpreted as purity of thoughts, well-being, a path to enrichment and advancement in a career. If you combine all the interpretations of such a dream, then a very attractive picture will be created, which positively depicts the dreamer's personal life.
Why dream of gold jewelry according to Miller's dream book
The meaning of such an image according to Miller's dream book can vary. Much depends on the details of what was seen in a dream. If someone gives a woman jewelry or coins from this noble metal, then soon they will make her a marriage proposal. Most likely, she will become the wife of a rich, wealthy man. However, he will be very greedy and selfish. When a person sees gold in his hands in a dream, such an image promises him success in work and good luck in any endeavors and projects.
According to Miller's dream book, this is a sign that heralds the acquisition of financial stability, wealth, recognition of the dreamer's honor. Another interpretation of a dream can relate to moving up the career ladder.

Gold jewelry according to Loff's dream book
The psychologist Loff interprets the gold seen in a dream as something good. Gold jewelry in a dream is a symbol of wealth and purity. In order to correctly interpret what he saw, it is necessary to understand how the noble metal appeared in the dreamer.
This could be:
- find;
- present;
- conquest.
If you see in a dream gold jewelry donated by someone, then you should expect a favorable outcome of all affairs and projects. Finding gold jewelry in a dream means quick unexpected joy or good news. Most likely, all the events that will occur in his life in the near future will bring pleasure and happiness to the dreamer.
Gold dream book of Vanga
In Vanga's dream book, the dreamed gold symbolizes good luck that has fallen on you.
A dream in which you look at and touch gold jewelry means that in real life you are characterized by aristocratic behavior.
According to Freud's dream book
In Freud's dream book, it is said that gold jewelry in a dream symbolizes the golden time in romantic relationships. But it is worth being especially attentive to what other events occur in a dream. If a man has a dream in which he presents his beloved with gold earrings, in reality he will want a more serious relationship with her. It is worth taking a closer look at the girl's reaction to a gift from her beloved. The same will be her reaction to his offer in reality.
Why dream of finding a lot of gold jewelry at once?
If a person in a dream was lucky enough to find a treasure with many golden gizmos, it means that in life he will soon have an excellent chance to make a profit or increase his status. He will also be able to receive unexpected help. If gold jewelry in a dream makes a distinct ringing when touched, it means that important information will soon come to your disposal, from which you can derive tangible benefits.
Why dream of finding gold ring jewelry?
If in a dream you find a ring of gold, about which you know for sure that it is an engagement, then this is a sure sign of an upcoming wedding feast. However, this does not always indicate that a person who has a dream will soon marry or get married himself. This could be a portent of the wedding of a friend or family member. In addition, any ring jewelry found in a dream can herald the beginning of a pleasant romantic relationship.
Why dream of finding gold earrings?
Such a find means that you will soon receive good news or some important news. But only if the earrings are shiny and new. If they are broken and dull, then the information received is unlikely to be pleasant.
Why dream of finding gold chain jewelry?
Finding a thick chain of gold in a dream means that the connection between you and the person you love is very strong. If the chain is thin or torn, you may soon catch your partner cheating.