Why Dream About Clothes And Jewelry

Why Dream About Clothes And Jewelry
Why Dream About Clothes And Jewelry

Women may often dream about trying on new clothes or going to a store where they buy luxury jewelry. Such dreams not only reflect the female essence - they can also symbolize a wide variety of manifestations of the subconscious and even predict some future events.

Why dream of clothes and jewelry
Why dream of clothes and jewelry

What is the dream of clothes

The interpretation of sleep with clothing often occurs depending on the material seen and its color. So, if a woman has a dream in which she puts on a satin dress, a secure life awaits her. Velvet clothes foreshadow a wide choice of grooms and success in business. Clean new clothes always dream of joy and health, while dirty torn things - to humiliation and loss. Sleeping with old-fashioned clothes hints that it's time to change your surroundings.

A very good sign is a dream in which a woman wears a beaver or any other fur - a rich position and the favor of fate awaits her.

If in a dream a woman wears black trousers, in life she will have to show a lot of patience. White pants represent a way out of their delusions, and torn ones portend aggression, anger and a nervous breakdown. Clothes with patches dream of poverty and monetary troubles. Lace clothing promises a romantic date, while a corset promises intrigue and secret curiosity. If a woman loses her veil in a dream, her insincerity in personal matters will be exposed. Socks or stockings dream of the road - short or long. Wearing a nightgown in a dream is a fragile marital bond.

Why do jewelry dream

Jewelry with a large gemstone represents great prospects and excellent health. If a woman in a dream receives an expensive gold bracelet as a gift, a pleasant surprise awaits her. If there is more than one bracelet, someone feels a heart addiction to a woman. Beautiful shiny beads and pearls symbolize new love. Scattering beads or pearls - to separation. Gold jewelry (chain, ring, earring) in a dream portends marriage with a rich but calculating man. Emerald earrings dream of fun.

If in a dream a woman examines jewelry in a window and cannot buy them, empty pipe dreams await her in reality.

According to many dream books, a dream ring promises a new acquaintance, a wedding or a successful business agreement. The wider and thicker the ring, the more likely this dream will come true. If a woman tries on a crown in a dream, recognition, fame and honor await her. A necklace or necklace dreams of admiration, compliments and fans, however, if it is firmly buttoned, it can symbolize a trap or trap in real life. If the necklace is torn, the woman will soon quarrel with her chosen one.
