In the world of one of the most popular computer games in the MMORPG genre World of Warcraft, there are many locations suitable for characters of different levels, but in some cases, moving from one location to another is associated with certain difficulties. In particular, this applies to the continent called Outland.

Why go to Outland?
Outland is considered a mainland, although in fact it is the remains of another planet, which was the home of the orcs. This continent became available to players in 2007 with the release of The Burning Crusade update, which raised the maximum level to 70 and added new races for each of the two factions. There are several locations in Outland, designed for character levels from 58 to 70. Monsters here are much stronger than those who could be found at a similar level in the "old world", but the experience gained for killing them is significantly greater. In addition, loot from defeated opponents can provide higher quality and more valuable items than players could find in Azeroth. This is why most players strive to get to Outland as soon as possible.
Free or paid
Technically, even a character of the first level can move to Outland, if, of course, the required add-on is installed on the computer. To do this, you just need to contact another player who has a character-magician of a sufficiently high level. The magician class has the opportunity to open portals to all capitals of the world, including the city of Shattrath, which is the capital of Outland. By the way, in Shattrath there are portals to the capitals of all races, so many players prefer to stand here. Be aware that some mages may ask for a fee for their services, however the standard rates are quite low.
The method with the mage's portal has one significant drawback, since Shattrath is located not in the starting location of Outland, but in the neighboring one. Therefore, in order to start the quest chains in Outland, you will have to return. However, there is a second, "official" option to move from Azeroth to Outland. As soon as your character reaches level 58, portals will appear in the guilds of mages of the main capitals of the factions, allowing you to teleport to a location called "Blasted Lands", which is located in the Eastern Kingdoms. The teleport will take you directly to a huge portal leading to Outland.
You can get to the Blasted Lands on your own, but for this you will need to do a fairly long way, since only one road leads there, passing through the Swamps of Sorrows. Considering that along the way you will have to fight with many monsters of a fairly high level, it is much easier to use the teleport in the capital. Plus, then you don't need to waste time looking for the portal to Outland itself.