There is no need to complain about the lack of toys of any kind and cost in the store. And the decision to make a robot with your own hands does not come because they are not available in free trade. It's just that the joint production of crafts brings children and parents very close.

It is necessary
- - a bag of milk or juice - 1 piece;
- - packs of cigarettes - 11 pieces;
- - short bolts and nuts for them - 9 pieces;
- - scissors;
- - colored cardboard;
- - transparent tape;
- - PVA glue;
- - awl.
Step 1
First craft the body of the robot. Take a milk carton and carefully cut out the bottom so that it opens like a door. Make five holes with an awl in the walls - for the arms, legs and head of the robot. Insert the bolts with the caps inside the bag. Screw the nuts on them immediately. The base is ready for the time being.
Step 2
Take four cigarette packs to make robot arms. In two of them, carefully make holes with an awl in the lids and bottoms. In others, pierce one at a time. Insert a bolt into each pack with two holes. Tighten the remaining nuts. The result is arms that can be bent in different directions.
Step 3
Take six cigarette packs to make the robot legs. Collect four of them in pairs, connecting them in the same way as hands. Lay the remaining two horizontally and make holes for the bolts in them. Attach to the legs to form the feet. If the packs differ in color from the legs of the robot, then they look like boots.
Step 4
Make a head. This requires the last pack of cigarettes. Make a hole in it with an awl. Cut out and glue the nose, mouth and eyes out of colored cardboard. Get creative. Build antennas out of copper wire, ears out of large screws. Together with the children, come up with and bring to life the details that a real robot has.
Step 5
Connect all parts of the structure together. Pre-glue all the lids of the cigarette packs with transparent tape so that they do not open. Also secure the bottom cut in the robot's torso with adhesive tape. Use nuts and bolts to attach the legs, arms and head to the base. Your robot is ready!