A cube is a three-dimensional figure with six equal square-shaped edges. This is one of the simplest stereometric solids, and it is also very easy to make it yourself.

It is necessary
A4 sheet of cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue
Step 1
First, select the size of your future cube. For example, at its base there may be a square measuring 6x6 cm or less. In this case, for the manufacture of a cube, an ordinary thick A4 sheet will definitely be enough for you.
Step 2
Take a pencil and a ruler - with the help of these tools you will be able to unroll the cube. It should consist of six squares interconnected in the shape of a cross. Place the sheet vertically and start drawing the sweep, slightly stepping back from the top edge of the sheet. In order not to get confused, look at the picture.
Step 3
Construct the first square of the chosen size. Then, strictly under it, draw another of the same square so that they have one face in common. In the picture, this square is indicated by the number 3. Now draw one more to the right, left and bottom of this square. Finally, draw the last square (number 6) under the lowest one already built.
Step 4
At the squares numbered 1, 2 and 4, draw small flaps, which later will help to glue the finished figure from the sweep. Place one flap over the top edge of the first square (that is why space was left at the edge of the sheet), and six more - near all the free edges of the two side squares.
Step 5
Now take scissors and carefully cut the resulting sweep along the contour.
Step 6
Use a ruler to fold the flat pattern along the lines. First, bend all the valves up, and then lift the squares numbered 1, 2, 4 and 5. The sixth square should be at the very top - this is the "lid" of the cube.
Step 7
Take glue, coat all the valves with it and connect them to the adjacent faces from the inside. Your cube is ready!