How To Draw A Cheshire Cat

How To Draw A Cheshire Cat
How To Draw A Cheshire Cat

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One of the most charming characters in the famous fairy tale about Alice is the mysterious Cheshire cat. Numerous book illustrators and cartoonists have come up with different images of this creature. You can repeat one of them or create your own.

How to draw a Cheshire cat
How to draw a Cheshire cat

It is necessary

  • - drawing paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - watercolor or acrylic paints.


Step 1

Consider the look of the Cheshire Cat. Its main attraction is the wide smile that remained in the air after the cat itself disappeared. The magical beast itself may resemble an ordinary pet, a miniature tiger, or even have human features. But most often he is depicted as a well-fed cat with a traditional striped color.

Step 2

Choose a pose for the cat. Try to place it on a tree branch - this way you can build an interesting composition. Acrylic or watercolor paints will help to convey the mysterious "fabulous" atmosphere. They will give the effect of a blurred haze and allow you to clearly draw individual details.

Step 3

Using a pencil, sketch out the branch of the tree and the body of the cat on it. He can lie imposingly on a bitch or sit in the traditional feline pose, with his paws tucked under him and his tail dangling. Keep the tail long - it will balance the composition and add a fun touch to it.

Step 4

Work out the face of the fabulous creature separately. Try to give her a slightly cryptic expression. Do not draw too angry a grin - the cat should smile, not threaten.

Step 5

Dampen the leaf with water using a wide brush. Dry it slightly. Paint on a brush with dark blue paint and apply it with broad strokes on the background, avoiding the contours of the picture. The background will depict the night sky, against which the figure of a magic cat will look especially beautiful. Paint the tree branch with a dark brown color.

Step 6

Choose the color of the Cheshire cat's coat. It can be red, snow white or striped. Cover the body of the animal with the paint of your choice, applying it with a damp brush. Dry the drawing slightly. Draw the same paint on a thin brush without thinning it. Place a thicker layer at the folds of the legs and in the lower torso.

Step 7

Draw the structure of the fur by tracing a thin brush over the silhouette of the cat and drawing short parallel strokes with it. In the same way, mark the curves of the legs and tail, as well as the folds of fur on the cat's neck.

Step 8

Pay special attention to the muzzle. With a thin brush dipped in black paint, trace the outline of the eyes. Paint the iris with a bright color - blue, green, or amber yellow. Put highlights with white paint, make the pupil black.

Step 9

Draw a smile. Paint small sharp teeth with whitewash. Paint over the nose with pink. Don't forget the long mustache. Draw a collar or bow on the cat's neck - this will give the animal a special charm.
