The knitted blouse will warm not only the body, but also the soul. In ancient times, it was believed that hand-knitted clothing wards off illness, protects from the evil eye, gives strength and self-confidence.

It is necessary
- - 300 g of beige yarn (60% cotton, 40% polyamide);
- - knitting needles number 4.
- Size: 40-42.
- Knitting density: 18 loops * 27 rows = 10 * 10 centimeters.
Step 1
Elastic band 1 * 1. Front rows - alternately 1 front, 1 purl. In the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.
Step 2
Choose any openwork pattern you like. The number of the dialed loops is a multiple of 11 plus 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern.
Step 3
Back. Cast on 91 stitches on the needles and knit with an openwork pattern. After 26 cm from the typesetting edge, close for armholes on both sides 2 loops and in each 2 row 4 times, 1 loop.
Step 4
After 43 cm from the typesetting edge, close the middle 27 loops for the neckline and finish both sides separately. To round off the neckline, close from the inner edge in every 2nd row, 1 time in 3 loops, 1 time in 2 loops. After 46 cm from the typesetting edge, close the remaining 21 loops for each shoulder.
Step 5
Left shelf. For a tie placket cast on 9 sts and knit 56 cm with elastic 1 * 1. Next cast on 46 stitches and add 9 plank stitches to them. Then knit as follows: hem, 45 loops of the openwork pattern, knit the edge loop of the tie bar with the front one, 8 loops of elastic, hem. After 2 cm from the typesetting edge, reduce the loops for the neckline, knitting in each 2nd row 2 loops together with the purl 15 times.
Step 6
After 26 cm from the typesetting edge, follow the armhole similarly to the back.
Step 7
After 46 cm from the typesetting edge, close 21 shoulder loops, and on the remaining 9 loops, continue to knit with an elastic band for another 10 cm. Then close all the loops.
Step 8
Right shelf. Knit symmetrically to the left shelf.
Step 9
Sleeves. Cast on 69 loops and knit with an openwork pattern. After 25 cm from the typesetting edge, close 3 loops for the sleeves on both sides, then in every 2nd row 3 times in 2 loops, in every 4th row 3 times in 1 loop and in every 2 row 6 times in 1 loop. After 37 cm from the typesetting edge, close the remaining 39 loops.
Step 10
Assembly. Sew shoulder seams. Sew the short sides of the placket to the neckline, while stitching them in the middle of the back. Sew in sleeves and sew side and sleeve seams.