Why Do Fleas Dream

Why Do Fleas Dream
Why Do Fleas Dream

Fleas are one of the most controversial symbols in dreams. Microscopic creatures can simultaneously portend joy and tears, profit and loss, as well as gossip and new acquaintances. It is very important to determine the relationship of the flea with some additional signs in order to correctly understand the meaning of the dream.

Seeing a flea in a dream
Seeing a flea in a dream

When fleas are good signs

If in a dream you were able to catch a flea, then in real life you will find profit. In this case, the source of income may be absolutely unexpected for you. In addition, jumping insects are considered to be signs of wealth and career success. Do not be lazy to take on small assignments, your activity will certainly be appreciated by your superiors.

If in a dream you crushed a flea, then in the near future it is possible to receive a large amount of money or inheritance.

If in a dream a lot of fleas are jumping around you, then pay attention to their number. The more insects you see, the more good news and profit will be in reality. The main thing is that insects do not bite you and do not try to jump on your body.

If in a dream you are actively trying to catch up with a flea, then reconciliation with a friend awaits you. Try to remember which of your acquaintances you quarreled with over a trifle. During a casual meeting, do not ignore this person, and your relationship will reach the next level.

When fleas are bad news

If in a dream you are looking for fleas on yourself or on your pet, then in reality you will find a lot of troubles that will not only not give you pleasure, but also greatly tire you. If you still find an insect, but could not catch it, then expect quarrels with relatives and friends. This sign is sometimes interpreted as the presence of intrigues and conspiracies in real life.

Some dream books interpret biting fleas as a symbol of provocation. You may be framed or slandered by a work colleague, so be careful not to disclose your plans to anyone.

Flea bites and traces from them are a symbol of misunderstanding on the part of close relatives who do not approve of either your behavior or attitude towards life. Others will definitely try to direct you on a different path, which will lead not only to disagreements, but also to rupture of relations with some of them.

If a girl dreams that she was bitten by fleas or she found these insects on her gentleman, then a real lover can prepare an unpleasant surprise for you. This can be either spreading false information about you or cheating on the part of a man.

Unpleasant sensations from flea bites in a dream is a bad sign. This situation portends health problems and worries. Your concern may be due to the slander of loved ones or their categorical attitude against you. Moreover, you will not understand the reason for this attitude for a long time.
