How To Make A Paper Fan

How To Make A Paper Fan
How To Make A Paper Fan

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The fan saves from the heat both at work and at rest. Compactness and convenience are the main advantages of the product. A paper fan can be made not too large, but if desired, enlarged to the size of a fan. In this case, it is important to choose the correct paper size. Beautiful colored paper will help you create an exclusive and stylish item.

Paper fan
Paper fan

Fan "Peacock's Tail"

To create a beautiful fan, you need to choose the right paper. Even a picture from last year's calendar will do. The most important thing is the weight of the paper. The thin sheet will quickly become unusable.

Then you need to cut one strip measuring 12 by 40 cm or two 12 by 20 cm. After that, the sheet is folded with an accordion of 1 cm. The strips are bent so that you get a tight accordion. One edge of the fan is fastened with tape.

Next, popsicle sticks are glued to the sides. They are glued in such a way that the tape remains intact. Otherwise, the fan will not open. It is recommended to retreat 1 cm. After that, it remains only to open the product and enjoy your work.

Folding fan

To create such a belief, you will need to purchase the following tools at hand:

- white or colored paper;

- PVA glue;

- coffee sticks in the amount of 12 pieces;

- screw or pin;

- rivet.

First of all, you need to cut out a sheet of 4 by 36 cm from paper. If it is planned to make a double-sided fan, then two such parts are cut out. Further, holes are made in each of the coffee sticks. This requires a special hole punch. If not, then you can take a screwdriver or drill.

The holes should be at the same distance from the edge. If possible, at this stage the sticks are covered with varnish or paint. Then on a sheet of paper you need to make fold lines.

There are 24 lines of 1, 5 cm each. Along the outlined lines, the sheet is folded like an accordion. To make the fan foldable, you need to glue coffee sticks to the fold lines. If the fan is double-sided, then the second sheet of paper is glued to the other side.

At the last stage, the structure is fastened with a rivet. The folding fan is ready! To make the product more beautiful, you can decorate the paper in advance or take a colored one right away.
