If you have at your disposal an old, outdated machine for removing pellets, do not rush to throw it away. You can make … a fan out of it!

It is necessary
- - plastic bucket lid (for mayonnaise, sour cream or honey);
- - pipe from silicone sealant;
- - machine to remove the pellets;
- - plastic cream jar;
- - two corners and one eyelet;
- - glue "Moment";
- - magnets or bearings for weighting.
Step 1
Take a machine for removing pellets, take out the batteries and unscrew the foil ring with holes; remove the iron blades from the engine. Then we take the plastic cover from the bucket and draw the blades for our fan with a felt-tip pen - the end of the blade should be slightly at an angle so that the blade can be bent to blow air. We cut out 3 blades in this way.

Step 2
We bend the blades at an angle counterclockwise - so that the air flow goes to the face, and not vice versa.

Step 3
We glue the ends of the blade with Moment glue and insert them into the holes of the circle.

Step 4
Then with a file we cut off the edge of the pipe from under the silicone sealant - this will be the base of the fan.

Step 5
Then we attach the base of the fan to the cream jar with the help of corners. To do this, mark the holes on the cream jar and the base of the fan with a marker and burn out the holes for the bolts with a soldering iron.

Step 6
We bolt the fan base to our stand, put something inside the jar to make it heavier, insert the machine for removing pellets with batteries into the fan base and start it!