How To Make A Flower From Felt

How To Make A Flower From Felt
How To Make A Flower From Felt

It is very easy to make decor from felt for hairpins, brooches, hair ties. Here is one way you can use to create collaboratively with children.

How to make a flower from felt
How to make a flower from felt

To make such a flower, you will need burgundy, pink and green felt, thick woolen or cotton (iris, floss in several folds, silk is also suitable) threads, a needle, beads or small beads for decoration, hot glue, a small magnet (or base for a brooch, a hairpin mechanism or a hat elastic).

The order of work: 1. Make a flower pattern. Increase or decrease it as desired (by hand or in any graphics editor).

How to make a flower out of felt
How to make a flower out of felt

2. Cut a large pink and burgundy flower and a smaller pair. Cut out a piece of green felt. 3. Fold the flowers on top of each other alternating colors as in the photo - more from below, smaller from above. There should be a green leaf at the bottom of this pyramid.

How to make a flower from felt
How to make a flower from felt

4. Sew everything together with a thick thread. These stitches should mimic the stamens. 5. Sew a few beads or small beads into the very center of the flower with a thin thread in the color of the flower. The felt flower is ready, you can, for example, sew it on a bag or, by gluing a small magnet to it, decorate the refrigerator with such a flower.

But you can modify the craft a little. To do this, take the mechanism from the hairpin or the base for the brooch and glue the flower to such a base with hot glue.

You can also take a thin elastic of hat, cut off a small piece, tie, fasten a felt flower on it. Use this elastic for a ponytail. Close the back side, where the flower was sewn to the elastic, with a green felt circle, sewing it with a thin thread in the color of the felt.

How to make a flower from felt
How to make a flower from felt

By the way, such a flower can be used to decorate a curtain holder.
