Regularly shaped containers in the figure may turn out to be disproportionate or crooked. Therefore, in order to depict a vessel, for example, a bottle, it is necessary to use a special technique that was invented specifically for constructing dishes on paper.

Auxiliary lines
Begin your drawing by drawing construction lines. Do them with a simple pencil. Do not press down on the rod, as all strokes will have to be removed later. Draw a straight line vertically in the place of the sheet where you want to draw a bottle. This will be her line of symmetry.
Pick a spot on the vertical line where you want the bottom of the bottle to be. Put a point. Draw horizontal lines through it on either side of the vertical. At an equal distance from the middle, put dots or dashes, they will limit the size of the bottom of the bottle, so keep an eye on the symmetry and scale. Draw an ellipse passing through these points, its middle should be exactly at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal construction lines.
Determining the height of the bottle
Mark in the picture where the neck of the bottle ends. In order to maintain the proportions of the vessel, you must use a pencil. Hold it so that it is horizontal and your thumb can move along its surface. Reach out and squint. The tip of the pencil should be aligned with one edge of the bottom of the bottle. Place your finger at the place where the second extreme point is located. Turn the pencil vertically and count how many times the bottom of the vessel “fits” in its height. It is not necessarily an integer, it could well be 3 and a half times or 4 and a quarter. Remember the meaning. Then take a pencil in your hands, "measure" the bottom of the drawing with it and put it up the required number of times. Mark a point on the vertical line.
Draw a horizontal line through the dot at the top of the drawing. Then measure, using the described technique, how many times the neck of the bottle is narrower than its bottom. Observing proportions, mark the points on the horizontal line. Draw an ellipse going through them. Its center lies at the intersection of the construction lines. Remember that the higher you draw the ellipse, the narrower it is, because we are looking at the lower figures as if from above, so we can see them better.
Bottle bends
Divide the bottle mentally into fragments: a cylinder at the bottom, a narrowing of the neck, another narrow cylinder. The places where the bends of the glass begin should be marked on a vertical straight line with dots. So that the proportions of the bottle are not violated, you also need to correlate how many times each of the selected fragments is larger or smaller than the bottom. When all points are found, draw straight horizontal lines through them and draw construction ellipses.
Connect all the extreme points of the ellipses with smooth lines. Draw the neck if the bottle does not have a cap. Erase all auxiliary strokes with an eraser.