Human Abilities: Astral-Mental Genetics

Human Abilities: Astral-Mental Genetics
Human Abilities: Astral-Mental Genetics

With the help of astral-mental genetics, a person can shape his physical body using the mental image and energies of the astral body, without resorting to plastic surgery.

Human Abilities: Astral-Mental Genetics
Human Abilities: Astral-Mental Genetics

You can change and correct your appearance - correct facial features, change weight, increase or decrease breasts, create the necessary muscle relief.

Of course, you should not hope that astral-mental genetics will significantly change your appearance if you do nothing other than perform this technique. Do not forget to do standard physical self-care activities - exercise, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, massages, etc. If you still need plastic surgery, and you do not have the time or desire to wait, then you can also do this exercise. This will help you tune in to a positive outcome.

The main thing that you should have is a firm conviction in the effectiveness of this technique, and a certain amount of time. After all, the effect will not appear immediately. You will need to practice regularly and have patience.

You should also have a clear idea of the image that you want to get in the end.

To understand the approximate principles of astral-mental genetics, look at your photos, where you are about the same age. You will see that you look different. A stranger looking at your photos may think that they depict different people - we are so different from ourselves in the same period of time. Not only the clothes and hairstyle are different - pay attention to the facial features. They differ. Our appearance, one way or another, depends on our inner state.

So what should you do?

1. Retire and relax. Make sure you are out of the way.

2. Decide what exactly you want to change. Create the required image. It is on this image that you work for a certain period of time, preferably at least a month, but preferably more. (The exercise itself will take about fifteen minutes at a time).

3. Then imagine in your thoughts a holographic image (let it be three-dimensional - like 3D), a model of the part of the body that you want to change. Imagine that this image is woven from blue (blue energy is the main pusher of thought) energy or light. Try mentally, as it were, "to drink", to fill the invented image with blue energy. Hold this picture in your mind for a while.

4. Mentally "lower" the image-model from the mind into the part of the body on which you are working. You may even be able to feel the movement of energy in this part of the body.

5. Imagine that you already have the necessary forms.

Let's say you want to have long hair. Then do this exercise before washing your hair. And try this exercise during your grooming procedures. Then the setting will be fixed in your subconscious - I have long hair. You reinforce your mental desire with your intention - a physical action, therefore the result will appear faster than if only one thing was done: hair care or the astral-mental technique.
