Until the last days of his life, the popular singer Yevgeny Osin called his beloved wife Natalya Cheremisina. Despite the fact that they divorced a long time ago, Natalia remained the main woman in his life.

An affair with Evgeny Osin
Natalya Cheremisina is the second wife of Evgeny Osin. She grew up in an ordinary Moscow family. The girl received a good education and worked in a bank. She got married very early and was happy for a while in her first marriage, but in 2000 she met Yevgeny Osin, who at that time was very popular. Despite the difference in age, they began a whirlwind romance. Eugene courted very beautifully, gave his beloved expensive gifts and did not refuse anything. Natalia's parents were categorically against this relationship, but could not influence their daughter, who soon left her husband and married the idol of millions.

In 2002, the long-awaited daughter Agnia was born in the family. Parents doted on her soul and were very happy. Eugene spent a lot of time with his family, despite being busy. But the happiness did not last long. Gradually, the relationship began to deteriorate. Eugene had a creative crisis. He almost did not record new songs, began to perform less. As a result, the singer began to drink a lot. He had problems with alcohol before, but every year it got worse.
Natalia talked about how life with Osin became simply unbearable. He did not behave quite adequately. When Eugene was drunk, he could fall asleep deeply, but more often he showed aggression. It even went as far as assault. Each time Natalia forgave her husband and hoped that her husband would come to his senses.
When the creative crisis passed, nothing changed. Eugene went on tour, led a riotous lifestyle, drank a lot. Natalya tried to save her family, but nothing came of it. She filed for divorce in 2006.
Life after divorce
After the divorce, difficult times came for Natalia. She no longer had to endure the drunken antics of the star spouse, but financial difficulties arose. When Cheremisina married Yevgeny Osin, she quit her job and devoted herself to her family. This was, first of all, the desire of her husband. After the divorce, I had to take on any job.
Eugene did not immediately begin to pay alimony. He tried to hurt his ex-wife painfully, but she did not allow him to communicate with the child. After the death of the artist, his wife Natalya admitted that she made such a decision out of fear for her daughter. Aspen often did not behave quite adequately, and Agnia herself was afraid to stay with her father. Several times Natalya had to pick up the child of a drunken father.
After 2010, relations between Osin and his wife began to improve. They even spent time together, and Eugene did not lose hope of returning his ex-wife. The last time he offered her to reunite was about a year before her death. Natalia behaved very wisely in this situation. She did not answer with a categorical refusal, although she knew that the reunion would not work. A hard refusal could lead to another alcoholic breakdown of Eugene. But, despite all the efforts of loved ones, he still fell through.
Natalia has always been quite closed. Almost nothing is known about her personal life. After her divorce from Osin, she never got married officially. After the death of a popular artist, some public figures criticized his ex-wife. They assured that Natalya and her daughter had left him, and this is what led to such a tragic ending. But Cheremisina disagrees with the charges. She assures that, together with Agnia, she regularly visited Eugene. A few days before his death, they also came to his apartment and even persuaded Osin to stop drinking, but all this turned out to be useless.
Disputes over inheritance
The last years of his life next to Osin was another woman - Elena Skornyakova. She calls herself a common-law wife, although they did not live together. Their relationship was limited to regular meetings. Elena has a daughter, Anastasia Godunova. During his lifetime, Yevgeny Osin called her his daughter, although paternity was not officially confirmed.
After the death of the performer, the inheritance should go to the daughter of Agnia, and Natalya Cheremisina represents her interests. Elena wants Nastya to also receive some share, which was announced. She has practically no chances, but ex-wife Natalya in this situation may have to join the fight. As long as she leads her usual lifestyle, she continues to work. Her daughter, after the death of her father, is trying to build a musical career. The famous producer Andrei Razin promised to help her and make a real star out of the girl.
Natalia took part in several popular talk shows. Viewers noted that her behavior was very dignified. She did not try to blame her ex-husband and in some moments even defended him. It hurts Natalya to remember the failed marriage, but she tries to hold on for the sake of her own daughter. She explained her participation in popular programs by the fact that she wants to pay tribute to the memory of her ex-spouse and tell about all the good things that happened between them.