Impossible is a drama about a family from Europe who ended up in Thailand during the tsunami. The main characters miraculously managed to escape, find each other, but their lives will never be the same.

"The Impossible" is a film based on real events that took place in 2004 in Thailand. The tsunami claimed more than 300,000 lives and left wounds in the hearts of thousands of survivors.
The history of the creation of the film "Impossible"
The film is based on the real story of Maria Belen Alvarez, a Spanish doctor, her husband Enrique and three sons. They were vacationing in Thailand when the tsunami hit the country. Maria took an active part in the preparation of the script and filming of the film.
Maria Belen Alvarez herself chose the actress for the leading role, it was Naomi Watts. The film premiered in September 2012; Russian viewers saw the drama in February 2013.
Plot of the film
At the beginning of the film, nothing bodes well: a happy European family (husband Henry, wife Maria and three sons) go on vacation to Thailand during the Christmas holidays. They enjoy the gentle sun and exotic atmosphere, and after exchanging gifts, they go to the pool. At this moment, they are overtaken by a tsunami, from which it is impossible to hide. The raging element spares no one and sweeps away everything in its path.
The tsunami separates the family: Maria miraculously saves herself and helps her eldest son get out of a strong stream of water, two younger children find themselves with their father. Now the main goal of all family members is not to die from the terrible elements and find each other. During the search and before family reunification, the main characters will have to go through all the horrors of the natural disaster, help other victims and save each other.
Will a family in Thailand be able to escape? What will parents do to save their children? How will the tragedy be reflected in the later life of Henry, Mary and their children? All these questions interest the audience from the first minutes of watching the film, but it immediately becomes clear that the life of the main characters will not be the same.
During the struggle for her life, Maria receives a serious leg injury, together with Lucas they get to the hospital. At this time, Henry and his younger sons spend all their time and energy looking for Maria and Lucas.
Despite all the gruesome footage, The Impossible is a movie with a happy ending. The family reunites at the hospital, from where they travel to Singapore to heal Maria and return home. The raging natural disaster caused not only physical, but also mental trauma to all family members, they will have to learn to live in a new way.