Why It Is Impossible To Pick Up The Money Found On The Street

Why It Is Impossible To Pick Up The Money Found On The Street
Why It Is Impossible To Pick Up The Money Found On The Street

Why can't you pick up money found on the street? Such a find is considered to be very dangerous among the people. People believe that money has a very strong energy and is capable of transmitting negativity from one person to another.

Why it is impossible to pick up the money found on the street
Why it is impossible to pick up the money found on the street

Why you can't pick up money on the street: three common reasons

Money, especially small change, is often spoiled. In magic, various rituals are very popular when coins are used to remove a curse. All negativity goes to coins or paper money, which then need to be thrown away. It turns out that such a find can be very dangerous.

The energy of found money is akin to stolen money, and, as you know, ill-gotten money will never bring happiness.

One of the laws of the Universe is the Law of Balance and Equilibrium. It reads: "If something arrives somewhere, then somewhere it will surely disappear." This means that if you pick up the money and make a profit, then in other areas of life you will face trouble.

What to do with the money found

If you still did not manage to overcome the temptation, and you picked up the money on the street, then it is recommended to spend it in full right away.

However, do not forget that along with other people's things, you pick up the energy of a stranger. It is not known how such an unexpected find could turn out in the end.

Why it is impossible to pick up the money found: a case from life

I know one very interesting story related to money, to which all the failures that have plagued one family for several years have been transferred.

The story of this family is like a thriller. It seems that there is everything necessary for a normal and happy life: a spacious house, material well-being and complete satisfaction in life. However, this family was constantly plagued by misfortune. A young and healthy daughter-in-law could not conceive a child in any way, the head of the family suffered from various diseases, and his wife had a terrible accident and miraculously survived. Trouble literally rained down on this family. As a result, the head of the family turned to a famous healer for help. She advised him to get rid of a large amount of money in order to ward off misfortune. Specific figures were not named, but it should be significant even for this rather wealthy person.

I know for certain that a special ritual was performed, and the money was thrown away.

Of course, it is very tempting to find a large amount of money on the street, but it is worth thinking carefully before picking it up and happily running home. It is not known what the consequences may be, because money, both metal and paper, has powerful power.
